C'mon folks! Show some love for...

Feb 22, 2011 00:27

Happy Birthday Cid Highwind

February 22!  That's the one day where Cid and only Cid gets the spotlight!  One of Final Fantasy's most underappreciated characters, today we give Cid the love he more than deserves... though he'll be the first one to brush it off, we all know he secretly loves the attention.  Everything from an "extra" character to a playable character to a character in a full-length movie, the reluctantly versitile Cid Highwind has long been scorned for not meeting many expectations by countless fans of Final Fantasy, taking razzes for his looks all the way to his personality.  Well, they just don't know what they're missing. He's cool, he's crude, laid-back and c'mon folks, if you've played the game, the man. kicks. ass.  Who else can pwn with a mop for cryin' out loud?  And when the mop fails, he'll get 'em with the dynamite.  Nothin' like a good dose o' overkill to make sure they stay down, dammit!  What better character is there to counter the broody, dark and turbulent Vincent Valentine?  So leave some love for the man!  He needs more recognition, and a helluva lot more appreciation!  Although... some secrets are best kept to those who would actually appreciate them the most.

So that being said:  Leave your love and go 

BONUS!   I found this while toodling around the netz and thought I'd borrow it.  Hey!  It's for a good cause now:

This is the pair you do not wanna %#$@ with!

How much cooler can you get?  I didn't think so.  Now let's see: Cloud with an overcompensatory sword and his too-cheerful sidekick who dresses in skimpier outfits than most prostitutes?  Or that *points at picture*.  I think we all know who the real heros of FFVII are, kthnxbye.  Why yes, I do believe those are fightin' words!  Now where's my dynamite?  >3

cid, birthday, ffvii

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