Title: Midgar Burning
silence_laughs and
calvi_sama Pairing: Cid x Vincent
Rating: NC-17 (eventually), most certainly R
Disclaimer: We do not in any way own, nor profit from, the characters and/or locations of FFVII, that would all be SquareEnix. Also any other references to persons or products mentioned herein are purely coincidental *coughs*, and where they are not then they belong to their respective writers, producers, directors, or other individuals/companies listed under that sneaky little thing called a "copyright".
Warnings: Adult themes, blood, some violence, language, kidnapping, torture, mentions of abuse, murder, and above all else...yaoi, the 'inappropriate to minors' kind, the 'makes us sit up past our bedtimes reading' kind, 'cause lets face it folks, it just wouldn't be the same without it! >:3
Summary: Even as Cid fights to show Vincent it’s okay to love again, Vincent’s enemies are moving in. Can Cid secure a place in Vincent’s heart before their world falls apart?
A/N: Two things folks: 1) This is an RP and 2) This fic is AU. The usual players here: silence = Cid, and all in Cid's world, and yours truly = Vincent, and all in Vin's world. Easiest way to say it. ^^ This fic is a 'novel'-form piece (ie multi-chapter) that is darker than what we normally write, and out of our comfort zone in the fact that we normally prefer to stick to canon-type stuff. But I got the idea from
ani_mama's artwork (more specifically this
picture), persuaded silence to "go along with it", and it's been going 'full steam ahead' since then, and quite grown on us. We hope you all like it! Icon art provided by
silk_weaver A/N Addendum from Cal: Also, this fic is going to show Vincent's extreme emotional instability brought about by his past, his trauma experienced with Rufus and the life that he currently leads. And while the 'plot' is, and shall remain, near and dear to us, and we shall attempt to continue doing it justice, it's primarily a story about how CId fights to save Vincent's soul, and their struggles trying initiate and maintain a relationship in their hellish world. So be prepared for what canon buffs would call "OOC" behavior on Vincent's part, and probably on Cid's as well at times. I strove to remain as completely loyal to Vincent's core character as I could, while exercising creative rights to expound and develop said character. He's going to be all over the place folks, and confused as hell on top of that, as one would expect from a character suffering from posttraumatic stress, so get ready for it.
** This chapter contains mature content of a sexual nature between two men and may not be suitable for all readers, viewer discretion is advised. **
Chapter 36
“Thank you,” Cid said in return when they broke apart, “fer seein’ somethin’ in me. An’ if this is only th’shell, Vincent…y’damn near blow me away already. I dunno if I c’d handle th’whole man you are.” He grinned crookedly and buried his face against Vincent’s neck, holding him tightly and smiling. “So that’s why y’re just right fer me, jus’ like this. I know one other thing, too. You don’t get off o’ me soon we’ll be goin’ another round.” He wasn’t reacting physically to the pressure around him, but his mind had been occasionally straying to it, and his body would not be far behind. Just because it was there, he nipped at Vincent’s earlobe before saying, “So unless y’wanna know just how much I c’n fill ya up, y’d best settle yerself down somewhere else." Not that he wanted Vincent to release him; at another time they could have remained this way for hours, but tonight Cid was too emotionally charged, and his emotions had a way of showing through his actions. “An’ I’ll go fer th’mouthwash an’ then come back here an’ kiss ya dizzy, how’s that?”
“All right,” Vincent said softly, blush returning. He lifted himself up off of Cid, shivering when he felt Cid’s fluids trickle down the inside of his thigh. He moved to the side and as Cid went into the bathroom settled himself onto his stomach, wadding a pillow up under his head. Such a strange turn of events is life, he thought, going over the tumultuous last two days, and at that moment two things struck him as strange, and neither one not unwelcome: he didn’t desire to cover himself, and Sephiroth was silent. It should have concerned him that his personal demon was eerily quiet, but at the moment he could have wept at the relief of it.
As he swished and gargled the mouthwash, Cid thought of Vincent, mainly about how hard it must be for him to even try. He found himself feeling simultaneously proud and guilty; proud that someone thought him worth keeping and that Vincent was still strong enough to make this effort, and guilty that he was causing more suffering in persisting. Cid could only hope that he was worth the effort. He returned to Vincent quietly and confidently after sighing at the mirror. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d felt like he meant something. All thoughts of inadequacy were as far away as they had ever been, and that drove home the fact that this, whatever he could call his relationship with Vincent, was right.
As he settled on his back beside Vincent, Cid looked at him, smiling, and rolled over to run a hand down his back. Cid scooted closer so they were touching most of the way down, and his roaming hand came to rest between Vincent’s shoulder blades. The other hand wormed its way under the pillow and found one of Vincent’s, which it grasped eagerly and held. “Come up with anything I c’n do t’make it better next time?” he teased, grinning widely.
The blush returned, coloring Vincent’s cheeks a rather heated pink, as he burrowed into his pillow, squeezing Cid’s hand. “Ask me that later, after I have recovered from that rather…impressive performance.”
“Heh.” Cid squeezed back and craned his neck so he could kiss Vincent, compelled by the blush to see how many shades darker it could go. He’d also wiped away the remaining fluids on his stomach, and he winced inwardly as he remembered that he had forgotten to do the same for Vincent. “Want me go get a washcloth an’ clean ya up? I didn’t think about it ‘til just now.”
“You do not have to if you do not wish to.” Vincent murmured. “I won’t ask that of you.” He then brought the hand not holding Cid’s out from under the pillow and traced the cop’s bottom lip lightly with a forefinger. “Do you think that if we do not sleep, then tomorrow will not come? I don’t want to leave.” He breathed. “I have to be so cold and unfeeling for the work that I do, distant.” He pulled his hand back to tuck it under his chin. “It has been…freeing…to put those expectations on a shelf and forget about them. Thank you for that gift, Cid.”
Cid made a soft sound as Vincent’s hand left his face. “Aw, sugar, if not sleepin’ made th’world stop turnin’, I reckon both of us’d be stuck way back there in th’past.” He smiled. “But I don’t want ya t’leave either. I never do. An’ we’ll just hafta think o’ something even more distractin’ next time.” He kissed Vincent’s cheek and vanished into the bathroom for a moment, returning after procuring a warm, damp cloth. He spread Vincent’s thighs carefully and wiped away what he found there, rubbing in soothing circles and gradually moving upward until he was content that Vincent would be only minimally uncomfortable later. Any more that leaked out would have to take care of itself, because Cid wanted to go back to lying next to Vincent. He did, yawning as he settled in. “But I’ll stay up with ya as long as y’like anyhow if y’wanna try it.”
“Well, if I am to sleep, then I can think of no other place I would rather do it.” Vincent said around a large yawn, his eyelids lowering sleepily. “But we shall have to work on your taste in movies I think.” He mumbled, burrowing into his pillow with a contented little sigh.
That morning, Vincent came awake slowly. For the first time in years his sleep had been uninterrupted, and it left him feeling disoriented and confused. There was a sliver of dusky sunlight shining in one eye and something warm and moist smashed against the side of his head that turned out to be Cid Highwind’s face. Struggling a little, he sat up and looked down at the sleeping blond, limbs flung at odd angles across the bed and a string of drool slowly soaking into the pillow that had, until recently, cradled his head. “You had better not have drooled on me, Cid.” Vincent muttered and brought a hand up to check for moisture. With a sigh of relief, he only found dry skin that was flushed from such close contact with another warm body. He jumped a little when Cid gave a mighty snort and rolled over, presenting Vincent with his broad back. The bruising was still evident but had faded quite a bit in the two days that had passed. He trailed his fingers over the purple, mottled skin and smiled gently when Cid shivered and muttered in his sleep. Vincent then sighed sadly as he looked at the clock. Tseng would be there in just a little over two hours. Oh, how he wished he didn’t have to get up! But he didn’t. Not yet. Not until he absolutely had to, and with that knowledge, he flipped the soggy pillow over, scooted back down under the covers and snuggled up against Cid’s warm back. He slid one arm around Cid’s chest and wriggled one leg in between the cop’s and settled down to sleep away the remaining two hours of the best two days of his life in fourteen years.
Cid, on the other hand, woke rather abruptly. Perhaps nearly a half-hour after Vincent had gone back to sleep, Cid’s nightmare -at least he thought it had been a nightmare; he couldn’t tell anymore- reached a peak and jolted him back into awareness. A sharp gasp was the only evidence of his displeasure, and he calmed quickly upon seeing Vincent next to him. He disentangled himself and scooted to the edge of the bed, sitting with his legs dangling over the sides and his face in his hands. When the blurriness left his vision, he turned back to look at Vincent and was met with the clenching in his chest he had come to associate with Vincent-related pain. He didn’t know whether it would be better to let him sleep or to wake him up and use their time to wrap up loose ends and such.
Were there any? He wasn’t sure, but he did know that he did not want an exchange of goodbyes to be the only thing they said to each other today. Cid could think of one way to give him a wonderful wake-up, but elected not to follow through. He lay back down instead and was startled to see open red eyes watching him. “Sorry. D’I wake ya?” he asked sheepishly.
“Sort of,” Vincent grunted, stretching his arms over his head and arching his back until it gave a loud series of ‘pops’. “Oh Gaia, that felt good,” he sighed, then looked back at Cid. He frowned. “Why that expression, Cid? And why are you up? I know you told me at least once how much you enjoyed sleeping in.” He felt a little confused, and strangely as though he were missing something.
Cid laughed quietly. “Maybe I been gettin’ too much sleep, is all. Had a funny dream…one o’ them ones y’just plumb don’ like but can’t r’member why when y’wake up.” One of his hands moved of its own accord to slide down Vincent’s torso as he stretched, feeling the hidden muscle and the all-too-obvious ribs. “Don’t look like that,” he chastised, “all sad an’ shit. No reason for it.” His heart seemed to beat “liar, liar, liar” as it sped up at the sight of Vincent’s body when the covers slid partly away. There was a reason, and his heart knew it, but his mind couldn’t figure it out. Frankly, he was tired of trying to figure it out. “Prob’ly just leftover from th’dream,” he muttered as an explanation to them both.
“Maybe,” Vincent murmured, loving the feel of Cid’s hand on his body, but knowing that all too soon he would have to leave. “Hey,” he said in a vain attempt to cheer them both up but it fell flat. “I’ll be back next Friday. We had an agreement did we not?” He grinned, but didn’t really feel it. Deep down, somehow, he knew that he wouldn’t be back, and that only succeeded in making him want to cling to the cop and beg the man to take him away. Dammit, Valentine, get a grip, he chastised.
Cid nodded distractedly and sat up again, restlessness settling in now that he was awake. “Breakfast?”
Vincent sighed and settled more comfortably into the warm spot that Cid had vacated. "Not really. I'm not very hungry." He murmured, watching Cid's fidgeting and not knowing what else to do or say to soothe the man's very obvious distress.
“Yeah, I ain’t either.” His head was turned to face Vincent, and he turned his body that way as well to lean over the slim body on the bed. He kissed Vincent firmly, reveling in the familiarity that came with early-morning kisses. That sort of thing was allowed only between lovers; no one else would tolerate bed-breath. “But maybe I was a little hungry fer that.”
“You’re obsessed,” Vincent breathed with a grin, wrapping his arms around Cid’s neck to drag the man back down for another kiss.
“Maybe so,” he breathed when they broke apart. “But y’re worth obsessin’ about.” Cid grinned and settled on his elbows, looking down at Vincent. “I think while y’re here I’m gonna get s’more fodder fer the frenzy, how’s that? Wha’s yer middle name?”
The smile that reached Vincent’s eyes was a warm one as he repositioned his head to better look at Cid. “That is the first time someone has asked me that. It’s Lucien; my father gave me his grandfather’s name, and naturally my traditionalist mother had a fit. What is yours?”
“Don’t have one. Made one up fer m’self when I was ‘bout eight, but I can’t say as I remember what th’hell it was now. Prob’ly somethin’ stupid, like ‘Bad-ass’ or some other word I wasn’t s’posed’a say. I think I had it bad enough without one.” Cid snorted and said, “I was named after Daddy, so I was born Cidolphus Highwind II.” He grinned back and shifted his legs so he rested more comfortably. “Got rid o’ that as soon as I could. A’ right…yer birthday? Y’already know mine.”
“Cidolphus,” Vincent said slowly, trying the name out. He shook his head, “I much prefer Cid, though you do rather resemble a ‘James’ to me and I’m not sure why.” He chuckled and brought one arm up behind his head while the other rested on his chest. “My birthday is October 13th. My mother’s family had hoped I would have been born on the autumn equinox, as to be born at that time is believed to be blessing upon the family, but,” he shrugged sadly. “It was not to be. I’d like to think that they got over their disappointment.”
Cid snickered. “Yer mother’s family didn’t like yer dad much, huh? Reckon they blamed him fer yer birthday, too. Sounds familiar. ‘Course, my momma’s family were right t’not like Daddy, but that’s a whole different story, an’ one y’ve already mostly heard.” He lowered his head to rest on Vincent’s arm and let his own arms relax as he all but collapsed onto Vincent. “I’ll remember that, though, th’thirteenth.” He hummed as he tried to think of another question. “Tell me ‘bout yer first crush.”
Vincent stilled for a moment at the question, feeling a spike of pain as his thoughts flew to Lucrecia, but it lasted for only a moment. “My first real crush was my wife, Cid. But there was another little girl I had fancied when I was about eight years old. Her name was Mai-Lin, and she was the shyest, sweetest person I think I had ever met. Where all the other little girls had called me a freak behind my back, she always went out of her way to be nice to me. So I would bring her flowers whenever I could. It broke my heart when her family moved away.” His tone had taken on a dreamy quality, as he slid his hand out from under Cid’s head and began stroking the cop’s hair slowly.
“Mmph.” Cid’s eyes closed at the stroking, but he would not be deterred. “A’ right…with th’absolute promise not t’take advantage of it today, where’re ya most ticklish?”
“Huh,” Vincent grunted. “I’m going to hold you to that Cid Highwind. It would probably have to be a light touch to the bottoms of my feet, but I haven’t been tickled in a very long time. Not keen to have that stretch broken any time soon mind you. I’m going to trust you with that privileged information, now,” he said warningly, giving Cid’s hair a gentle tug in emphasis.
“Hey, I promised, didn’t I?” Cid asked, attempting to sound hurt that Vincent would doubt him. He grinned. “But what if I don’t keep m’word?”
Vincent arched an eyebrow as he looked down his body at Cid. "I shall tie you up. I do not like being tickled."
He opened his eyes to meet Vincent’s and waggled his eyebrows. “Tie me up an’ do what with me?”
“Leave you to contemplate the consequences of the grievous mistake you just made, Mr. Highwind.” Vincent said firmly, but with a quirk to his lips.
“Pfff, yer no fun. We’ll save that fer another day, then.” Cid laughed. “Hm…favorite season? Favorite time o’ day? Favorite dessert?”
Vincent laughed outright at that. “My, but you are full of questions!” He sighed deeply, contentedly. “Favorite season? That one is tricky. I love new spring growth, but the crisp chill of an autumn day is most refreshing.” He thought a moment. “My favorite time of the day would probably have to be evening. I love a good sunset. And as for my favorite dessert…hm,” He paused again, brow creasing in thought. “I suppose that I do not eat much dessert, but I do have a bit of a guilty sweet-tooth for chocolate truffles.”
“Heh.” Cid decided to answer the last set himself before asking any more. “I like winter a little, ‘cause all th’birds come in, but spring’s even better, ‘cause there’s a nest right out on th’fire escape -y’ve prob’ly heard ‘em- and I get t’watch th’babies hatch an’ grow up. I like sunrises better’n sunsets, even though I ain’t seen too many lately, what with th’way I sleep. I don’t really like sweets too much either. Can’t stand chocolate. Leaves a nasty feelin’ on m’teeth. Guess if I’m gonna eat any kind o’ dessert, it’d prob’ly be sugar cookies. Reckon it’s ‘cause there ain’t really too much sweetness to ‘em.” He sighed and smiled at Vincent. “Guess it’s your turn. I’m all out right now, seems like.”
“Mmm,” Vincent hummed, continuing to thread his fingers through Cid’s hair and letting his eyes fall shut. “What is one of your fondest memories?”
Cid froze, quiet as he thought about the question. “I don’t…really have many. Guess there’s th’day I realized Lazard wasn’t just stringin’ me along like ever’one else had…an’ besides that there’s only you an’ th’time I’ve spent with ya.” He really should have something else to say, something personal and meaningful to share with Vincent, but there was nothing.
“I’m sorry,” Vincent whispered. “I should not have asked that. Perhaps I should refrain from any more questions, yes? I am content to just lie here.” Why did he have to keep saying the wrong thing? He didn’t know Cid, what Cid’s life was like. It was a question that he put no consideration into before he asked it. He had read Cid’s file, the difficulties the man had been through. Cid had told him about the drugs, and being used…and still he had asked that question. Stupid and insensitive move, Valentine. He sighed again, softly, and caressed Cid’s neck gently.
“Mm- no, not at all,” Cid said, confused. “S’nothin’ wrong with askin’. An’ it don’t upset me, so don’t let it upset you.” He kissed Vincent’s chest. “An’ I ain’t content t’just lay here. S’more I wanna know, I jus’…can’t think of it all right now.” He closed his eyes and enjoyed Vincent’s hand on his neck for a while, and then finally asked softly, “Why d’ya care s’much about me?”
Vincent opened his mouth to answer, but shut it again to think about the question. Why did he care about Cid? Probably the more important question was when had he begun to care about Cid? “Because I can,” he blurted. “Because I want to? You are insufferable, and you drive me insane, but your compassion, your heart moves me like nothing else ever has. You remind me of what I’m missing, what I could be. You show me that I can feel something other than indifference and self-loathing. You fill me up, you make me warm again. How it happened so fast, I don’t know, but I am not questioning it.” He tipped Cid’s coarse face up so that he could meet those wonderful blue eyes. “You are a special man, and how you stayed alive, kept Midgar from devouring you, astounds me. Don’t ever change, Cid Highwind; it is the world’s fault if they pass your beauty by.”
Cid blinked at Vincent slowly, touched by the words and even more so by the honesty in them. He made a soft sound of defeat and lunged up to kiss Vincent soundly; loving him again with everything he had for the simple fact that he saw something worth keeping in Cid. “I don’t know what t’say t’that, Vincent, but I appreciate it more’n you know.” He settled on his back next to Vincent, looking at the ceiling. “M’favorite way t’waste time is t’look up at th’clouds. When I was growin’ up, I lived in sector three before they put th’plate over it, so I could see th’sky all th’time. Sometimes now, when I can’t get to a place under th’plate where y’c’n still see through, I take a trip up top on m’day off just t’do that. Y’know I’ve never left the city? Always wanted to. Take me with ya next time y’go somewhere?"
“I should like that very much.” Vincent murmured, reaching for Cid’s hand and lacing their fingers together. “If I could take you anywhere, it would be home, to my country. To the mountains there, so high they touch the clouds. The air is so clean.” He turned his head to look at Cid still gazing at the ceiling. He leaned over and kissed the cop’s shoulder then nuzzled it. “I never visited the mountains much, but one of the few times that I had, I was lucky enough to find a hot spring. I would like to take you there, provided I could find it again.” He chuckled.
Cid’s eyes lit up as he turned to face Vincent again. “I’d like that. We’ll go one day, jus’ you an’ me.” His hand squeezed Vincent’s. He pressed closer and murmured, “We’d find it all right. Be nobody else aroun’, just us. An’ I’d push ya up against th’nearest rock an’ kiss ya while I peel yer clothes off piece by piece ‘til there’s nothin’ left on ya ‘cept me. Y’d be so hot by th’time we got t’the water that y’wouldn’t even feel th’diff’rence.” He demonstrated by kissing Vincent again, and quite enthusiastically.
Vincent gasped as Cid’s mouth rather abruptly plundered his own. He pulled at Cid’s shoulders, encouraging the man to roll on top of him after which he promptly wrapped his long legs about Cid’s hips, pressing their groins together. He eagerly returned the kiss, and when they broke apart, he panted, “Would you now?” He managed to arch a brow. “And just what else do you plan to do at this hot spring?” As if the answer were not obvious, and very, very desirous, but he wanted to hear Cid say it.
“Aw, prob’ly lay on a hot rock an’ keep m’self outta th’water while you swim aroun’ naked. I don’t much like th’idea o’ bein’ in that much water, y’know?” He grinned down at Vincent. “But maybe with a little persuadin’ I could manage t’find a rock w’room enough fer both of us on it, an’ when y’re all pruney an’ wrinkly, you c’d climb on up there with me an’ I’d show ya an even better time.” He pressed forward with his hips, trapping Vincent’s between his and the mattress as he kissed him again. “I think we’d sleep out there that night, me an’ you under th’stars. Damn, I’d like that so much…”
Vincent laughed huskily. “So you think you would like me all ‘wrinkly’, is that it?” He hummed his pleasure at the weight over him that pressed him down into the mattress. He tightened his legs around Cid, and began playing his hands up and down Cid’s broad, strong back. “Pity you wouldn’t swim with me though,” he pouted. “I have heard that sex in the water is quite erotic. Oh well,” he sighed. “I suppose I shall have to keep wondering.” He kissed Cid’s jaw, nibbling it when the man gave an involuntary shiver. “I would like to sleep with you under the stars,” he nibbled and licked a little trail along Cid’s chin. “I have never been…” up the other side of Cid’s jaw. “…very knowledgeable of…” over to Cid’s earlobe where he nipped just sharply enough to make the cop jump. “…constellations.”
“Well,” Cid gasped, “maybe if’n y’manage t’convince me it’s worth it, I’ll help ya find out.” He groaned at Vincent’s attention to his jaw and let his head drop onto Vincent’s chest, which is where he made his mistake. “Mmm…Vincent?” he asked, dragging his eyes back up to Vincent’s as he began pulling away slightly. “Think you c’d turn me loose long enough fer me t’get m’mouth around yer cock? Promise I’ll make it worth it.” He grinned and kissed Vincent’s neck to influence the answer.
“Mm,” Vincent murmured before catching Cid’s lips in another fierce kiss. “I have high expectations,” he breathed, loosening his legs from around Cid’s hips to spread them wide. “You’ll have to work to impress me, but with as skilled as this mouth is, it shouldn’t be a problem.” He had released Cid’s hips, but not the cop’s lips as he continued to kiss the man, long and deep. He slid his tongue against Cid’s, shuddering in pleasure at the velvety rasp as one moved against the other. He was a little nervous to allow Cid to do this, and yet he was nearly desperate to feel that unique pleasure again.
Cid huffed. “Well, if y’don’t think I’m up t’the job, maybe I’ll just sit it out.” As he pulled away from the kiss slowly, though, he knew he wouldn’t be able to do that. We oughta be gettin’ dressed. Dammit, I don’t wanna think about him leavin’… So he didn’t. He focused instead on the trusting way Vincent’s legs were spread for him, the way he waited for him, believing beyond a shadow of a doubt that Cid would bring him pleasure and not pain. Never pain, not from me. Not ever from me, he thought as he began kissing his way slowly up Vincent’s thighs, blue eyes locked with red and a knowing smile on his face.
Vincent watched Cid’s slow movements without blinking, his breathing coming short and shallow. With each kiss Cid’s mouth drew closer to his cock and he could actually feel the blood pump down into it, stiffening it, lengthening it. The first time Cid had sucked him off, it had taken him by surprise. He had thought he was prepared for it, but in fact he had not been. Nor had he been prepared for how it had made him feel. Now he was ready for it, craved it, even though he was still so nervous. But those nerves only served to heighten his desire, make his pulse race even faster. It was just the two of them, naked, panting, hungry for each other, and he was ready. Vincent propped himself up onto his elbows, cheeks flushed and lips parted as he watched with ragged breath for what Cid wanted to give him. And it was a gift. The eager desire he saw in Cid’s eyes, the equally eager anticipation he felt tingling through his own limbs only proved to him what a farce it had been with ShinRa. Rufus had only wanted to humiliate him, had held no true desire for him. This was so very different, and Vincent would remember it for the rest of his life.
Cid reached forward and wrapped a hand around the erection a few inches away from his face and worked it as he shifted Vincent’s hips backwards on the bed, encouraging him to lean against the headboard rather than keep the pressure on his elbows. When the resituating was done, Cid closed the distance between his mouth and the head of the heated length in his hand. His eyes closed as he sought the most sensitive areas with his tongue and listened to Vincent’s sounds of pleasure. His hand continued massaging the flesh it held, but it eased off as he pressed forward to begin taking in more. His tongue retreated away from the head only to settle firmly against the underside as he started applying suction, light at first and gradually increasing as his head started bobbing to alternately take in and release what he could hold.
Vincent’s breathing had turned into gasps as he watched Cid’s mouth draw closer to his cock, almost as though in slow-motion. When he felt the cop’s warm, wet mouth close over his erection his eyes had rolled back in his head, which had then promptly fallen back against the headboard with a rather loud ‘thump’. His hips started to thrust slowly up into Cid’s mouth as one hand found its way to the back of the man’s head, where he stroked with infinite tenderness. “Ah!” he gasped at a particularly hard flick from Cid’s tongue. “Ohhhhhhhh,” he breathed, watching entranced and licking his lips as his length disappeared down Cid’s throat and the man hummed around it. It was at this point that Vincent began muttering in Wutainese as Cid’s actions became firmer and hit him harder than a punch to the chest. He groaned, mumbled more nonsense and began to squirm as he was dragged slowly toward orgasm.
Part of Cid found himself wishing he could understand what Vincent was saying. Another part found it strangely erotic that he could not understand. Yet another part reminded him that he knew perfectly well what Vincent was saying; the words were repetitive, and Cid determined they were something along the lines of “yes,” “more,” “don’t stop,” and “fuckdammit!” because those were the words Cid typically spewed on such occasions. The muttering grew louder, Vincent’s hips began moving faster, and the shuddering he could feel became stronger. His hands rested on Vincent’s waist, thumbs stroking soothingly, encouragingly. For Cid, life offered few things more satisfying than bringing pleasure to a loved one, and he took great satisfaction in bringing it to Vincent.
As orgasm loomed, Vincent teetered on the brink, his body stilling but for the tremors wracking his limbs. His face and chest were covered in a fine sheen of sweat and his hands were fisted in the bedspread while he stared fixedly at Cid, as the cop’s head bobbed up and down over his cock. Suddenly his spine jerked straight and stiffened as he came, crying out, his mouth falling open. As he slowly drifted back down, mind lost in a hazy bliss, he breathed in Wutainese: “I love you.”