Title: Summer Lovin’
Fandom: Gravitation
Pairing/Characters: Eiri/Shuichi
Rating: PG-13
Set & Prompt: Mix and Match-Hot
Disclaimer: Gravitation and its characters do not belong to me.
Notes: Slash
Word Count: 100
“Yuki,” Shuichi laughs, pushing at the writer’s chest with his foot, “stop it. It’s too hot!”
He knows it doesn’t do much good to protest. He isn’t even sure if he means it, anyway. Not when Eiri looks at him like that. Not when he grabs Shuichi’s ankle and licks at a bead of sweat on his leg. Not when he tells him, “Strip, then. If you’re so hot.”
He does, slowly, his face, already flushed with heat, growing even redder. “You’re going to make it worse. I’ll pass out.”
“You love it.”
And he does, even in this heat.