Title: Try imagining a place where it’s always safe and warm
Fandom: Gravitation
Pairing/Characters: Eiri/Shuichi
Rating: PG
Set & Prompt: Mix and Match-Shelter From the Storm
Disclaimer: Gravitation and its characters do not belong to me.
Notes: Slash
Word Count: 100
It’s dark. Dark apartment. Dark eyes, voices, blood. Dark city.
He opens his eyes to light. He squints up at Shuichi, tries to remember falling asleep on his lap. He pretends that the fingers in his hair are irritating. “What?”
“You were making that face.”
The face he makes when he remembers, that’s too full of pain for Shuichi to stand. “Wimp.”
“I just wanted to be sure you’re okay.”
The fingers glide down his cheek, to his jaw. It’s comforting; the storm of dark memories subsides. “I’m fine.” But he doesn’t close his eyes again for a while.