Arriving in the desert!

Dec 30, 2011 22:13

Clarke had patiently endured all the questions from his family about his battered face. He felt he deserved it all, he had taken the easy way out by not coming home earlier anyway. He told his mother he'd spend an extra night in New York when he flew back. His father said little but expressed his appreciation for Clarke's gesture towards his mother ( Read more... )

liz jackson, letetard, jennifer shepard, tyler banks, verse: dc, rp

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Comments 2

albuquerque_liz December 31 2011, 03:32:03 UTC
Liz set down her beer and headed to the door. It was nice to have so many people around for the New Years, but she was also glad to have Matthew around. He was her instant judge of character. But these two were fine, she knew.

She opened the door and smiled at the boys, suddenly feeling her age. They were so young. "You must be Clarke and Tyler. I'm Liz."


centerishome December 31 2011, 04:00:50 UTC
They were young but they were grown, strong, sturdy. Tyler was thin but solid. Clarke was broad and tall. They both had boyish smiles that reflected their excitement to be there. Clarke's had exhaustion behind them but he was hanging in there.

They entered the house, Tyler putting down his backpack. He extended his long arm her to Liz first. "Yeah, that's us. I'm Tyler."

"Clarke," Clarke followed suit and shook her hand. "He's the goofy looking one. I'm redheaded goofy looking one."


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