Not friends-only, but friends-partly

Dec 31, 2017 09:10

When I started this journal, my plan was to just use it for posting my fics, but you people have slowly but surely pulled me in and I've begun posting more and more about other stuff! So any non-fic posts are now friends-only, although my fics and my fic recs will stay public. I'm pretty sure I got 'em all, but if anyone comes across a fic that is ( Read more... )

me, fic

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Comments 9

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celtic_flicka August 11 2009, 18:16:57 UTC
Thanks! There are some little changes I wish I could make to it--someday I'll get around to making a customized layout...


shanynde October 1 2009, 05:42:08 UTC
Any chance you'd friend me?


celtic_flicka October 1 2009, 14:20:22 UTC
Of course!


rejeneration September 5 2010, 18:15:50 UTC
Hey there, girlie girl! Thank you so much for that note and the link and all. I haven't looked at those fics in years (I can't believe it was 2006 when I posted that story!!), but as much as feedback makes that person smile, plagiarism makes me cry, so.. I sent a note to the moderators and hopefully they'll actually care, instead of being absent like in most places. -grin- I'll let you know how it turns out. Thanks again! ♥

- Jen


celtic_flicka September 5 2010, 19:00:11 UTC
As someone who writes for pay and for fun, plagiarism makes me see red--and more so when it happens to writers I know and like!

Someone told me about a comm called stop_plagiarism here that is supposedly quite effective, so since I had all the links to everyone's stories in my browser history, I put together a big ol' post with all the relevant information. Hopefully that will do some good.


rejeneration September 5 2010, 19:18:44 UTC
You, rock!

I do this _thing_... I collect LJers. -grin- I'm not crazy, I promise, but I noticed one of my friends from ages ago did it and it seemed like such a neat thing. Collecting people you know or meet or just see and think are interesting. Now, I warn you, I'm pretty LJ absent these days, so I make a terrible, horrible friend, but... can I collect you, you little gem? =)


celtic_flicka September 5 2010, 19:20:54 UTC
:) Of course! Although most of my posts these days are Leverage-related. That's the fandom that's eating my brain lately...


hollow_echos December 23 2010, 18:09:44 UTC
Hey, just wanted to pop in and let you know that I've added you as a friend. We've both been running in the Leverage fandom for awhile now and I thought I had already added you! I was shocked to see I hadn't, but I've fixed that now!

I was also excited to see you do some Veronica Mars. I've just rediscovered the TV show (almost done rewatching season 1!) so some good VM fic will be on the agenda here very shortly :P


celtic_flicka December 23 2010, 18:11:43 UTC
Friended you back. :)


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