Theory of Evolution Author:
lavvyan Narrator:
celtic-tigress Rating: NC-17
Pairing: McKay/Sheppard
File Type: mp3 for now, m4b podbook by
cybel HERE as well
Length: Total near 4.5hrs. Each track approx. 15 min.
perma-link here by the lovely
general-jinjur as always
Summary: Conversion AU. Stuck with a body he can't accept as his own, John withdraws - and Rodney lets him, certain that all John needs is time. But what if he's wrong? Originally written for the
SGA Big Bang.
Recorded with permission.
Ok, so this project is FINALLY done, and I am so happy and relieved. You know, this is actually my first totally completed podfic! Mad props should to to lavvyan, because I told her I would most likely have this done to post with the Big Bang, and, well. I didn't. But she was totally cool about it and never had a bad word to say about my super-fantastic procrastinating/lack of time-management skillz. So, here darling, I'm sorry it took so long, but it's the thought that counts, right?
My next project that I hope to work on concurrently with TBTILAF is
fiercelydreamed's "Unidentified", which was recc'ed all over the damn place a couple of months ago and which I already have permission to record. Whee!