Silly Harry Potter Plot Twist Hybrids

Jul 20, 2007 19:48

Unashamedly yoinked from
flemco (Warning: some twisted stuff in that blog)

I do not know all the references. Lord help anybody who does.

The following contains no spoilers. Probably.

1. The boat sinks.
2. Ron sees dead people.
3. Hermione, really a guy.
4. Kreacher killed him in the conservatory with a lead pipe.
5. Voldemort is blown up after a rag tag bunch of fighters shoot a photon torpedo up his hidden vent hole.
6: The death eaters were created when the ministry tried to pacify an entire planet using an airborne drug.
7: Hagrid is shot off of the owl tower by biplanes.
8: Harry originally got his magic when he took the red pill.
9: Dobby throws his sock in the volcano.
10: Voldemort got his power from being bitten by a cursed spider.
11: Harry and hermionie, twins separated at birth. Oh yeah, and voldemorts his dad.
12: Hagrids zoo gets out of control, takes over the island.
13: Monkeys.
14: He uses the wall of the outhouse as a sail.
15: Draco uses the magic amulet to wipe out all the vampires.
16: Rosebud is a broom.
17: Snape is really Tyler Durden
18: Hogsmead is actually in the middle of downtown London, but no one knows it.
19: Harry is saved by a living statute sent back in time by himself.
20: Hagrid tunnels out using a little rock hammer hidden in Hogwarts, a history.
21: Nevellie is Kaiser Soze
22: Its Mrs Weasleys head in the box they give to Mr. weasley.
23: Theyre all arrested at the castle after a cop car pulls up and takes them off to jail.
24: Lucious Malfoy gets lost in the maze and freezes to death.
25: The entire D.A. dies defending the bridge.
26: Luna blows the monster out the airlock wile just wearing underwear.
27. Dumbledore is the 12th Cylon.
28. Crookshanks is always around when the monster is.
29. Harry is a replicant.
30. Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans are made of people.
31. To Serve Muggles is a cook book.
32. Ron Weasley derailed the train and burned down the hotel, the kids called him "Mister Glass."
33. Harry and Ginny reach Platform 9 1/2 after learning that the 12 Monkeys didn't release the virus, they only freed the animals from the menagerie. Harry gets shot.
34. They blew it up!!
35. Voldemort appears as a giant marshmallow man.
36. My God, the Whomping Willow is full of stars!
37. Hermione sacrifices herself to blow up the asteroid.
38. Lupin steals a coin from the chest, then has a massive undead swordfight with Voldemort.
39. Nearly-Headless Nick kisses Demi Moore and floats off to Heaven.
40. Arthur Weasly kills voldemort with enchanted muggle item, shouting "yippie kiyay Motherfucker"
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