Jun 03, 2005 06:29
My Pal Foot Foot
All that needs to be said.
Jun 01, 2005 15:13
Blasting Deerhoof and jumping around my room... what could be funn(ier)er?
May 29, 2005 22:51
Listen hard enough and wait until the end and hope can be found in the most desolate of picture painting sound schemes.
May 26, 2005 22:19
Two words to describe how much Dain makes me laugh:
May 24, 2005 22:17
Eating at Perkins with Paul made me realize how much I miss hanging out with him. He is truly an awesome person. If you see him give that short guy with a beard a hug.
May 23, 2005 16:35
So I started writing stuff down in an old notebook today. It was nice but unsettling at the same time. Lets leave it at that.
Oh and I'm finally going to make a check on my mental "Things to do before I die at a young age" list. I'm going to start collecting and listening to vinyl.