Fic: Settle the Score (7/?)

Jul 19, 2010 01:06

Title: Settle the Score (7/?)
Author: cellochick92 
Rating: R, for language and mature content 
Word Count: 1776
Warning: Account/discussion of abuse.
Disclaimer:  Nothing is mine =(
Summary: For xrainingsorrowx ’s prompt over at the rq_angst meme.  “Quinn abused Rachel for so long, so she feels it's okay if Rachel returns the favor.”

A/N:  UGH.  Let me know about ( Read more... )

fic: settle the score, rachel/quinn

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Comments 43

anonymous July 19 2010, 10:53:41 UTC
im glad rachel has realised how terrible shes been acting towards quinn and how shes been hurting her.
i just want the faberry i love so much..
rachel, u better fix quinn!

btw, great writing. nothing wrong to me (;
just write somemore, lol


cellochick92 July 19 2010, 16:56:35 UTC
Haha definitely trying to work towards the faberry right now. A girl can only handle so much angst in one fic!

Glad you liked it, just seemed a bit awkward sometimes to me =) I'll hopefully have more for you later tonight!


anonymous July 20 2010, 00:11:12 UTC
really? yayy! lol
u can do it ;)
i got faith in yah gurl (u are a girl, right? lol)


cellochick92 July 20 2010, 02:53:01 UTC
lo yeah, im a girl...there generally aren't many guys who write femslash, and even if they do, they usually (maybe) dont have usernames like cellochick ;)


xrainingsorrowx July 19 2010, 13:52:32 UTC
Damn. Didn't get first comment again. (This whole going to bed early thing is not working out for my once perfect score for fic comment virginity..)

But on the bright side, I see Mr. Block took my letter to heart :D

This chapter made me feel so bad for Quinn..

Before Rachel was even fully aware of what had happened, Quinn was on the ground, huddled in a ball in the corner of the room, her whole body shaking.

Realizing what had happened, and what she had inadvertently done, Rachel had struggled to find her voice. When she was finally able to squeak Quinn’s name out, the blonde had flinched away from the sound of her voice.

Awww :(

I'm glad Rachel is reflective, and more than that I'm glad Rachel didn't hit her again!

Lovely writing (as usual.)


cellochick92 July 19 2010, 17:10:09 UTC
Geez. You're turning into a total slacker. Or something. But really. I'm so very, very disappointed in you...

And yeah...there were a lot of sad "awwwww" moments while writing this chapter! Reflective!Rachel is really difficult tho...dont want her to be a total bitch who you want to hate, but i cant exactly make her a sympathetic character either!

Haha ohhh the dilemma.

But thanks =) Seriously. I LOVE this prompt.


xrainingsorrowx July 19 2010, 17:55:34 UTC
I know I am.. If I was a total nutcase, I would shoot myself for my lack of comment virginity taking... Fortunately I like life :D

Yeah, Rachel in this fic gives me mixed feelings, but I want to marry the Quinn in this fic (I have a thing for people with issues.)

Oh you're welcome :D and I seriously love you for loving this prompt enough to fill it! Lol :]


cellochick92 July 19 2010, 18:10:57 UTC
Now you sound like one of those creepers on law and order who only sleep with virgins...and sometimes kill them O_o

Ugh. Stupid mixed feelings. Me and people with issues tends to go something like this: Me- "Oh no!!! You're in a pit full of sharp knives and hungry lions and you're in trouble!!! HERE!!!! I'll jump in and impale myself on the knives and get eaten by lions so you don't have to be in trouble alone and it will make it a little bit better for you!"

Or something to that effect. ;)


silentinformer July 19 2010, 23:35:19 UTC
This fic may have become my angst crack of the moment lol. I liked that we got to see Rachel's version of the last chapter and her attempt to explain her fucked up reasoning. I may also have been like, "fucking finally" when Quinn asked Rachel to leave. Not that I don't want them to be together but IMO they kinda need to fix themselves seperately before they can think about fixing them as a couple. Loved it can't wait for more.


cellochick92 July 20 2010, 02:51:45 UTC
Tee hee. I don't think i've ever been responsible for feeding a crack addiction before ;)

But yeah, i think it's important to at least sort of alternate their view points in order to make rachel a bit more sympathetic (which is difficult in this particular fic!) Otherwise...we just have lots of Abused!Quinn, which just makes everyone want to kill rachel =P

Totally agree with your opinion, and they'll maybe have a somewhat similar realization in the near future =)


silentinformer July 20 2010, 03:44:54 UTC
IDK I kinda like abusive Rachel for the simple fact that its so not the norm for the characterization. Not saying I agree with the abuse but she highlights the lengths people can go to rationalize their own behavior and make it alright in their minds. One of the things I am really waiting on in this fic is the "big reveal" the moment someone outside their relationship figures out what is going on or if anyone even knows theirs a relationship, I'm sure its going to be angst-tastic.

You should be proud your ability to feed that monster is impressive LOL


cellochick92 July 20 2010, 05:53:44 UTC
Yeah, that was one of the things that drew me to the prompt =) It's so different, but it's entirely feasible to me that she could have done this instead of just being a saint and forgiving quinn for everything in a heartbeat...

The big reveal should be happening in the near future, much as i adore rachel and quinn i can only go into their heads so often without it starting to get monotonous =P So, with any luck you wont be waiting on that for much longer!

Lol, better be careful or you're going to give me a big head ;)


(The comment has been removed)

cellochick92 July 20 2010, 02:53:55 UTC
Mmm yeah, she's a bit oblivious at times. Or maybe just overly hopeful and optimistic...regardless.

Thanks for reading =)


novak_fan July 20 2010, 01:39:20 UTC
Poor Quinn :( it'll take a lot of her to be able to be around Rachel without being afraid. Still glad that Rachel is finally facing her mistakes.

Loving this even more!


cellochick92 July 20 2010, 02:54:49 UTC
Yeah, she had to face them sometime! Otherwise this fic would just be too dang depressing :P

Glad you liked it, thanks for reading!


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