Pitch Perfect Fic: Her Eyes Are A River Of Tears (Beca/Chloe)

Dec 01, 2012 18:19

Title: Her Eyes Are A River Of Tears
Author: cellochick92
Rating: T
Disclaimer: Nothing is mine.
Summary: Kind of angsty Beca/Chloe comfort fic. Sometimes what you shy away from is what you need the most.
Beca/Chloe goodness here!!! )

bechloe, fic: her eyes are a river of tears, chloe, pitch perfect, beca, beca/chloe, fanfic

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Comments 1

aca-awesome bechloeaca_what February 8 2013, 06:03:17 UTC
really love this story, I wish they got together on the movie you could totally tell they were into each other!


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