[Opinion] What is with people this week?

Aug 15, 2009 07:26

I'm thinking I need a group/theme for "Internet Shenanigans." What say you guys?

This, of course, is not on the level og John C. Wright's anti-homosexual bullshit, or anything of that nature. It's much smaller and more personal, but still just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Also, I think the previous, large-scale shenanigans made me less able to tolerate this.

I am a member of y!Gallery. For those of you who don't know, y!Gallery is an internet art gallery site for people who want to post their work, along the lines of deviantART, but much smaller and devoted exclusively to the male form. Females are not allowed in the main gallery (though you can post a few as extras). Because of this, and dA's discriminatory attitude, y!G has become something of a haven for yaoi/slash artists, and a great deal of what gets posted (though not all) is graphically sexual in nature.

Now, y!G staff and developers understand that some people have kinks that for other people are squicks. Thus, they've implemented a filters system, wherein you indicate which of the filters they currently have (which are not enough by my standards, at all, I want them to have an incest filter and they refuse) are not to your liking, and so long as artists tag their pieces properly, you never have to see something you don't want to see. My only filter is shota, which involves underage boys in sexual situations. Funny, but I can tolerate (notice tolerate, I don't like it, but I tolerate it) shota/chan in writing better than I can in art. With art, it becomes like my incest squick: DO NOT WANT.

When you post a piece to more than one club, it'll show up in the inboxes of everyone who watches all those clubs, even though they may only watch one of those clubs. And whichever one you tag first will be the club your inbox will tell you it's posted in, even if that's not a club you watch.

So, this person posts a comic page. They post it in several clubs, including one called "Little Town of Shota." So, obviously, this means the artist considers the piece to be shota, but they did not tag it as such, so it popped up in my inbox. Now, it's against the ToS to fail to properly filter your work, so I had every right to report the piece right then and there. Being the nice person I am, I simply commented to tell them that, as the piece was posted in a shota club, obviously someone in that page or in pages to come would be underage, and could they PLEASE tag it properly so I don't have to see it?

Their response was to tell me that I could just assume the character is over 16, and the shota people could assume the character is under 16.

Uuuh... no. No, no, no. You posted it in a shota club! Dude. NO. What the hell? I commented back saying that wasn't the point, I don't want to have to assume anything. Shota is my filter, I don't want to see it, and they should tag their work properly. At that point, I also reported the piece.

Their response that I recieved this morning: "Fine. He's over 16. Now the shota people can bitch about how he's an old hag."


What is WRONG with this person??? What the hell is so difficult about either tagging your submission as shota, or not posting it in a shota club?? It's one or the other, the character is either over 16 or isn't, but don't try to have your fucking cake and eat it too, because I will (and did) report your ass! I don't report often, I think I've only done it three times in the many years I've been a member of this site. I'll ask the artist to delete or change it themselves before I report, and the vast majority of the time, the artists are more than happy to do so because they probably did it as a mistake, and are just glad someone said something before reporting them.

But this? Obviously this person has absolutely no respect for the personal boundaries of other people. "This is something you find squicky? Well, just pretend it's something else, okay?" NO. NOT OKAY. DUMBASS.


Shenanigans, I tell you. Shenanigans.


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