Once More Into The Fray...

Aug 10, 2006 23:37


We ended our week long "teacher training" today, and will have the chance to enter and set up our classrooms. I have so many ideas at this point, I'm on idea overload. This weekend, since my daughter and the whole rest of my family are headed out of town for family reunion/birthday party/hug extravaganza, I'll have the chance to sit down and ( Read more... )

education, general rambling, school, marfin's syndrome, teaching

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Comments 11

just_sue August 11 2006, 07:32:38 UTC
Awww! Little Miss Moffat would have had a swooning fit had she observed that! Grisly cute!

Wishing you tonnes of luck for Tuesday onwards (which I'm sure you won't need!). *hugs*


celesteavonne August 12 2006, 03:46:04 UTC
Hee! Thanks for the luck. I really, really need it!


slackerace August 11 2006, 12:56:31 UTC
Because I teach Special Ed, the stories often fall into the genre of bizarre.

I'd imagine teaching special ed is extremely stressful and trying. But, my gosh do you get to tell some stories! Eating a spider because it looked crunchy? Bwah! Even if you didn't have to document it, asking him why and getting an answer like that is priceless!


celesteavonne August 12 2006, 03:47:34 UTC
You know, some teachers are really great in special ed. I don't think I'm tough enough. I'm going to give it my three years, and then probably spend some time in regular ed. Though from what I hear, some of them might eat spiders too.


laurenchandler August 11 2006, 14:18:21 UTC
"pulled a Renfield" haha! You really should have asked him if he answered to the Dark Master who's promising him immortality!

But nevertheless, Kudos my dear. I bet your students adore you! My stepmom teaches Special Ed, and although she admits it's tough, it's rewarding all the more.

Are those the students you showed Buffy to?

I'd love to hear the stories they all have to tell!


celesteavonne August 12 2006, 03:49:00 UTC
hehe!! Souls.... souls for The Master...

Nah, this sweetie was a 6th grader. My 8th graders got to watch Buffy.

Hey, I like your new icon!


poshcat August 11 2006, 14:35:41 UTC
Hee! Hee hee hee! I wish I could bring that kid to my house and he can hoover down all the critters he so chooses.

::feels dead sorry for his parents::

Thank you for the work story! I do love the anecdotes. :0)


celesteavonne August 12 2006, 03:50:06 UTC
Yes! He could have a career in pest control.

One of the teachers on our campurs went for a home visit.... she came back rattling like a teacup on a train!


texanfan August 11 2006, 14:56:26 UTC
It takes someone with compassion, poise and patience (lots and lots of patience) to teach special ed. The kids are lucky to have you. And that story has to go into your writing someday! It's too priceless!


celesteavonne August 12 2006, 03:52:45 UTC
Aww! Thanks :)
We gotta do our best for Austin, right?

Definitely should work that bit into a story. I use a lot of their lingo in my writing, especially for Dawn and Andrew. They have a language all their own.


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