So very proud!

Dec 01, 2006 17:17

*Symphonic Fanfare*

My daughter's first ever photo collage:

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photoshop, photo collage, fan art, dawn

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Comments 11

petzipellepingo December 1 2006, 23:23:55 UTC
She's only 8 and she created that? That is impressive, I couldn't do that if I tried.


celesteavonne December 1 2006, 23:36:04 UTC
Squeee :) She's brilliant. And says thanks. She's been home sick the last two days, and you've just made her smile really big.


spikes_heart December 2 2006, 00:07:20 UTC
Brava!! I wouldn't dare open the program (if I had it) and I'm 51 years old. May she have a long and happy relationship with it as her manips evolve.


celesteavonne December 2 2006, 00:26:40 UTC
She loves photography too. I think it'll be a good match.

Thanks :)


alwaysjbj December 2 2006, 00:46:58 UTC
She's 8?? WOW! That's fabulous! She's done really well... looks like she could have a fabulous career ahead of her in graphic arts if she so chooses!


kimrae1977 December 2 2006, 02:14:33 UTC
She picked out some great photos for the collage, too. Really showed Michelle at her prettiest.


celesteavonne December 2 2006, 04:03:07 UTC
Yeah! She did :) Michelle is quite pretty too.


kimrae1977 December 2 2006, 09:24:06 UTC
Yup, gorgeous. Her skin is disgustingly perfect.


zanthinegirl December 2 2006, 04:58:45 UTC
And she's really only 8? Wow, I'm impressed! And a little jealous of her ability to make photoshop co-operate!


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