speed porn round 3 part 1

Apr 16, 2010 06:17

I know, the deadline was three days ago. What can I say...I am a slacker.
I drew five pictures collectively in about eight hours, I guess, so they individually fit under the two hour mark.:)
They weren't inspired by any particular prompts, mainly just pretty pretty boys getting it on (I blame Alaana's bday posts entirely)( cut for arts and some arse )

al/scor, h/d/c

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Comments 9

rickey_a April 16 2010, 17:19:21 UTC
Yay for speedporny art! Late, we don't care about stinkin' late. These are great (and hawt).

I would love love love love love to see someone write H/D/C. Charlie/Draco is a total rare pair of love for me. I loved the Charlie in Pushdragon's a tale of horns, and wouldn't that have been a great 3-way, but she went and different (and most awesome) way.

Nice job! Maybe you'll inspire someone.


celemie April 16 2010, 22:14:28 UTC
Thank you!!

I hope I do inspire someone! *wants H/D/C liek WOAH*



paper_moonshine April 20 2010, 19:57:42 UTC
Only h/d/c fic I've been able to find so far: http://softly-sweetly.livejournal.com/tag/hp/dm/cw


rickey_a April 20 2010, 21:13:12 UTC
yeah, softlysweetly's a lovely gal and she writes delish charlie fic. I'll have to go investigate which one's I've read.


verowyn April 16 2010, 18:26:55 UTC
Al and Scorp are just way too cute.

And for the second pic, that tatoo sure is interesting...
3 colours of pubic hair FTW! :D


celemie April 16 2010, 22:15:46 UTC

I love as/s, they are just adorable no matter what! And the hair! Heehee.



paper_moonshine April 20 2010, 19:56:38 UTC
softly_sweetly is the only person I've found so far that has written for H/D/C - luckly her fics are HOT <3



celemie May 6 2010, 16:17:33 UTC
Yeah, those are delicious!
Thanks for stopping by!


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