Thursday night (yes I know Thursday was before my last post now SHUT UP thank you very much! =P) was the birthday party of an adorable little 5 year old belonging to a couple good friends of mine (my old boss from the McHell days and her husband...I swear, she is one of the only things that kept me sane at that job! Well, her and the rest of my McGirlies...) There were chicken kebabs and cake and ice cream and veggies with dip and candy and cheetos and all sorts of goodness. Then afterwards we all sat around watching TV. It was some good times. I got home way too late considering I had to work in the morning, but oh well. =P
Friday night was fantabulous. I went out (well, I suppose it was more of stayed in) with my
trans-girlies, plus a couple extras - two more trans girls from a little further away, and the lovely hostess' temporary roommate, a self-described 'man trapped happily in a woman's body'. Who is incredibly hot. And fun to talk to. And hugs REALLY tight. And comfy to snuggle up against. Yeah, Rachel's a bit smitten. We seemed to hit it off pretty well, too, which is totally awesome. We're probably going to get together for lunch sometime soon. Possibly several sometimes. Who knows, this could lead somewhere totally awesome. <3
Anyway, where was I before I got so deliciously distracted? Right, Friday, girlies. We had much talkings, much drinkings (the gal/guy/person mentioned in the last paragraph kept mixing me rum & cokes...which I swear kept getting stronger through the evening...or maybe that's just my imagination...), and delicious delicious spicy venison kebabs (YUM!). All in all it was an amazing night, and not *just* because I spent the tail end of it blissed out in someone's arms. Yeah, yeah, smitten, I get it. I was warm and safe and cuddled, give me a break, I can't help myself! STOP JUDGING ME!!! =P
Saturday was the Ren Faire. It was raining and I couldn't get ahold of the girlie I was gonna go with, so I ended up not going. Ah well. Our Ren Fair here isn't all that great anyway. And I would have been cold and a little sad.
Saturday night, though...Saturday night was the drag show. Always a good time. =) I met up with several of the girlies from Friday night there, which made for more awesome. The performers were awesome as always, the music was fantastic (and fantastically loud, but that's another story), I danced with cute was awesome! Except that our lovely hostess from the night before and her hot roommate, who *said* they were going to go, flaked out and didn't show up! Grrrr! I'm going to have to pout cutely at them next time I see them, show them just how sad they made me.
Sunday I woke up with no voice. I think it might have had something to do with A) having to shout to be heard over the music, B) cheering my fool head off at the performers, C) having a rather ill-advised social cigarette at the end of the night, or D) all of the above. Probably D. (Don't worry, I've already been properly chastised for the cigarette, not to mention the fact that I couldn't stand the smell of myself afterward! Not doing that again anytime soon, methinks.) So I went through most of the day barely able to talk. Not that that was stopping me. I bet I could've gotten it to recover faster if I'd managed to just SHUT UP for more than about 5 minutes at any point in the day...yeah, that didn't happen. I'm seriously starting to turn into some sort of social butterfly & chatterbox. I swear, people who knew me pre-transition who haven't seen me since are not going to freaking recognize me. Makes me want to go to my HS 10-year even more, just to freak people the crap out. =P
Sunday afternoon...couple of my McGirlies took me out on a long-delayed shopping trip...they made up for the delay by heaping me full of clothes to try on. Spent several hours being their little dressup doll, I think we made 3 trips to the dressing rooms with the maximum number of items they'd let us or very close to. At one point there was probably around $300-350 worth of stuff in the shopping cart...we pared it down to about $200 THANK THE LADY. Part of me is a little upset at myself for spending that much, but the again I just bought pretty close to a whole new wardrobe (seriously, I got like 6-7 outfits or something) which I really kinda *needed* since I've been short on clothes since going almost full-time, and I was also gonna need more clothes for work since I'm gonna be going the rest of the way full-time so soon...some of what I bought is a bit too scandalous for a work environment but most of it is perfectly A-OK so yay! Then they made me change into one of the new outfits and paraded me around for a few of our other friends, and then we went for dinner - fancy pizza. I only ate half of my little personal pizza, I'm getting better at self control (well, that and I swear I physically just can NOT eat anywhere near as much as I used to!) so yay there, too. Then off to home to play video games for awhile, take a shower, and go to bed early to make up for staying out late 3 nights in a row so that I wouldn't be exhausted for work.
Yeah, right. I was up late again. Not terribly so, but I didn't drag myself to bed until like 11:30 when I'm normally supposed to be asleep by 11 so I can get up at 7. Nowhere near the 9:30-ish I wanted to go to bed at. Guess I'm gonna have to try again tonight, because I was seriously freaking tired still when the alarm went off this morning. Having a social life really digs into the sleep schedule, but it is SO TOTALLY WORTH IT!!!