Title: In the blink of an eye Character(s): Jimmy Palmer, Gibbs Pairing(s): n/a Genre(s): Gen Episode(s): About Face Word Count: approx 1,000 Notes Written for round 4.1 of the NCIS Last fic writer standing. Prompt “Was there a scene on an episode that you wished was different? Did the end of an episode leave you wanting more? Write a tag or a
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Title: A walk in the park Chapter: 3 - Telling Author: Ceindreadh Fandom: CSI NY Characters/Pairing: Flack/Stella Rating: FRT/PG-15 Summary: Flack likes having lunch in the park with Stella ( Stella put her phone back in her bag )
So I'm being a little busy (okay, make that a lot busy at work) and haven't a lot of time to write new chapters, but rather than deprive you of my scribblings, I figured I'd post a few old stories to try and catch up with my back catalogue
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