Title: Protecting You is Protecting Me
Pairing: Hisagi / Kira close friendship
Rating: PG
Warning: Talk of death.
Word Count: 2 429
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters that appear in this fanfic, or aonything else related to BLEACH that may appear in this fanfic.
Comments: Thank you
winteraconite for betaing! This fic takes place somewhere during the
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Comments 4
Ah thank goodness, I hadn't planned that ending very well and it sort of just wrote itself without me giving it much thought- and more than likely it turns into something extremely random xD
Thank you very much for reading and commenting!
Anyway! Baaaaaaaaawwww I just love how you write these two as friends who have the potential to be so much more. It's like their connection is so much deeper with each other than with anyone else! When I saw that episode with Kazeshini suddenly attacking Shuu and Izuru not even stopping to help I immediately thought that there was something between our two boys that just needed to be written in the fandom and I'm so glad you delved into that!
And I love the play of emotions here, especially their stubbornness because it is SO them.
Thanks for sharing!
Thank you for both betaing and the lovely comment my dear, and even more so thank you for taking the time to do so!
You know I love filling in all those little blanks~ Especially with filler arcs, they're so much easier to write because we don't have to worry that Kubo has some sinister angst hidden up his sleeve!
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