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Comments 37

skunkchu December 15 2007, 11:45:19 UTC
seriously, because of the strike I've gotten into Bones which is bad because I'm obsessive after one episode...

it took me a while to figure out the tetris reference.


cecism December 15 2007, 11:48:49 UTC
I know! I would have gotten into Bones if I had the time to get obsessed with another show. That and House. But I need to draw the line somewhere, right? Wrong.

Hee, I fixed it up for your benefit. ;)


skunkchu December 15 2007, 13:21:30 UTC
hey! I figured it out after reading it about three (or maybe more) times.

well, I suppose I can say I've kind of cut out Grey's and replaced it with Bones and Private Practice. so all I've got is Bones at the moment and we're only on 2.08 while the US is on 3.09 - WTF MATE?!!


sometimesartist December 15 2007, 11:45:38 UTC
First of all. YAY for 30 Rock! Then iconage? yes? WHEE!


cecism December 15 2007, 11:49:54 UTC
It's all your fault! ;)

Meh, don't be too excited about them, ha. But I still owe you CC icons! *sticks post-it on forehead*


sometimesartist December 15 2007, 12:16:59 UTC
No matter what fandom. Cec!icons are always love.


cecism December 15 2007, 12:58:11 UTC
Shucks. *smooshes you*


sparkling_chan December 15 2007, 11:47:17 UTC
Ohh!! Have fun in Sweden!!
LOL! Traveling in the winter is not the best time :P I wish you a lot of luck with packing!


cecism December 15 2007, 11:50:33 UTC
Thanks, hon. :) I'll get the packing finished eventually, using a lot of muscle power, hee!


xshorty24x December 15 2007, 12:06:04 UTC
I haven't updated in a million years either for the exact same reasons (boring RL and NO EFFING TV. Isn't that sad?).

Have a wonderful time in Sweden - and safe trip! Keep us updated, wont you?


cecism December 15 2007, 12:57:29 UTC
As much as I try and deny it - yeah, it is kind of sad. *high fives you half-heartedly*

Thanks! Unfortunately I'll be LJ free for two weeks though. I've never done that before. I may or may not have a nervous breakdown before then. :P


accrues December 15 2007, 13:44:01 UTC
Wait, you're going away? *is stupid* WAAH *CLINGS*




Oooooh, icons. *brightens*


cecism December 15 2007, 13:59:42 UTC
Ja, sorry. :'( I don't even wanna goooo.

*clings back*


accrues December 15 2007, 14:06:24 UTC

I'm sure you'll have fun though y/n? :) *hugs*

Find some internet while you're over there, y'hear me??


cecism December 15 2007, 14:13:06 UTC
Meh. No idea. Turns out I have to live in my aunt's basement for two weeks. :P (I'm just being moody.)

Unfortunately I don't think I'll have any internet over there at all. :( NO EMAIL/LJ FOR TWO WEEKS OH NOES! And by the time I get back, you'll be gone yourself. :(


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