
Dec 31, 2010 15:08

OHAI, 2011. (Nine hours early. Oh wells.)

...seriously. How did it get to 2011? IDEK.

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life: general, life: christmas, life: gold coast

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Comments 11

sometimesartist December 31 2010, 05:32:39 UTC
I WANNA SEE THE KING'S SPEECH BUT I'M BROKE. *saaad* and I don't get why going to the movies is soo expensive here. It's 15 AUD compared to like 5 AUD I'd be paying at home. NOT FAIR.

We're having a stupid NYE party at my house and like Christmas I'd rather be by myself in my room.


cecism December 31 2010, 05:36:11 UTC
Wow, how are movies so cheap back home for you? They're charging like $17 here these days which is ridiculous. No wonder people prefer to download movies. :P Which maybe you should do? (I'm broke too, so we only saw it the first time because we had vouchers, and the second time my boy's parents paid. It's annoying.)

Awww. *pats sympathetically* I hope it goes somewhat well anyway...


sometimesartist December 31 2010, 05:38:50 UTC
Yeahhh movies are super cheap at home that's why I indulge that much besides if I go with my mom she pays more often than not ;)

It'll be okaaaay. I'd just rather be by myself. Have a lovely time dear.


muldy December 31 2010, 06:28:32 UTC
Ssh don't tell people who live on the Gold Coast that it's 'regional' lol.

It's sad cos you can't even spend New Years stalking you-know-who cos they're on hiatus at the moment. Good to know you're sticking with the apartment for now.



belelmo27cien December 31 2010, 09:12:57 UTC
Happy New Year Cec! I hope your 2011 will be even better!


vulcanicity December 31 2010, 10:17:35 UTC
Happy 2011!

Ooo, I'm so desperate to see The King's Speech; any film with HBC & Colin Firth should definitely be COMPULSORY VIEWING!

I'm welcoming in 2011 with wine, The West Wing and ice cream. THIS IS PERFECT.


scribblecat December 31 2010, 10:24:39 UTC
Happy New Year!!!! You can come to my house but I feel I've already peaked too soon and will be in bed at 11.
Have a great time! Yay the rain has stayed away for one night! Is it just me or were you beginning to feel musty?


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