"Rap & Rhythm" ShigexShoxAiba Gen Fic

Jul 14, 2008 12:26

Note-For Shige b’day ! This is dedicated to trivialaffair for being an amazing writer and suportive reviewer.

I know what this is a few days late, sorry!

Go check out the Workman Shige marathon!

A bunch of writers rounded up for it. (I’m responsible for Librarian!Shige and HMV!Shige)

I love Arashi but I'm not that familiar with them, which is why this might be OCC. Also, I abuse of commas like they’re cream cheese or chocolate spread, so beware and sorry.

Kato Shigeaki passed in front of the Arashi dressing room for the fourth time, in barely ten minutes, without pausing to enter. He slowed a little while passing next to the open door before picking up the pace and leaving until the next round.

Fortunately for him, only Aiba and Sho were in the dressing room; they simply stared at him each time in silence, giving each other confused glance when their kouhai made no indication of wanting anything. Matsujun or Nino wouldn’t have been so kind though they probably would have been more lenient since Shige was in News and by association was considered less annoying than most.

But Sho’s curiosity won him over when he saw Shige’s faux Mohawk peer not so discreetly into the room for the fifth time.

“Kato-kun, come in.” Called in Sho, motioning him over. Aiba nodded next to him, his eyes flickering back and forth between his laptop that showed something animal-y that didn’t interest Sho in the least.

Shige froze in the doorway, eyes wide like a deer in headlight. He shakily entered and took a seat across, sitting on the edge of his seat, prep to bolt at any loud sound.

“Did you need something ?” Sho asked looking closely at Shige who was trying to look at ease surrounded by his senpai but it was turning out to be a constipated look.

“Actually, Sho-san I did need to talk to you about something.” Shige said choosing his words carefully glancing at Aiba oblivious to the request to talk in private with Sho.

Sho grinned and leaned back, he wondered just what Kato-kun wanted to talk to him about and just how he’d get Aiba to leave the room. This was promising to be interesting.

“Aiba-san, I’d like to talk to Sho-san. If I may.” Shige started to say when Aiba’s eyes flickered away from his computer screen.

“Sure, sure. Go ahead.” Aiba said with his most comforting smile without moving an inch, Sho covered his mouth to hide his growing smile.

Shige shifted in his seat, probably debating if it was safe enough to say what was on his mind with an extra presence.

“I need Sho-san to help me with a song.” Shige continued, carefully looking at the face of his sempai, searching for any sign of ridicule.

Sho was strongly reminded of when another News member showed up asking that question and he ended up doing Tegoshi-kun’s work for him. As much as if was flattering to be asked for help, Sho didn’t like that kind of lazy attitude.

Also, Sho wasn’t the best singer of Arashi though he doubted that Shige’s would ask anything to Ohno it still felt strange to be asked.

“Actually, I was told to come talk to you. You see, I have to do this rap on a song and it’s not going too well.” Shige spoke so quickly that it took a few seconds for his words to sink in.

“Is it in English?” Aiba asked excited to throw his two cents in.

“No, it’s in Japanese.” Shige looked relieved at that fact while Aiba sulked a little, if Aiba’s love for animal wasn’t surpassing his love for speaking English; he would have probably left like Akanishi Jin.

“And you need my help.” Sho said slowly, enjoying the desperation in Shige’s pleading eyes.

“Yes. I thought I wasn’t doing too bad. I just need someone to point out exactly what I’m doing wrong. You have a lot of experience with raps in your song, so could you…do you have time to time me help out.”

Sho sighed, he really wanted to know if Kato-kun was taking the easy way out for his song.

“I don’t have a lot of time to work on it too.” Shige added as an after thought, his voice low as if more to himself as if resigning to stay at the Jimbusho for all eternity.

“Why?” Asked Aiba, his voice caring after all Kato-kun looked incredibly like a lost koala right now.

“I have two essays to do for this week.” Shige mumbled, his eyes were on a sheet of paper with lyrics that he had dug from his pocket a few moments ago.

Sho rolled his eyes up to the ceiling, now he wouldn’t be able to say no to the kid. He remembered that Kato-kun was also a law student at Ayoma while having all the work of a debuted Johnny. Sho could all too well understand. It was also how Tegoshi had got him to do his work but it was his weakness.

“Sure. I’ll help you out.” Sho agreed, feeling a little good inside when a sparkle of hope lightened Shige’s eyes.

“Thank you so much.” Shige rushed to say, bowing in thanks.

“Alright, sing me your part and I’ll see what wrong with it.” Sho said while Aiba just grinned next to him. There would probably be teasing later on.

Shige’s face was beet red and he had to restart at least 5 times before managing to go through. He looked pitiful when Sho without saying anything about his performance asked him to do it over. Twice.

Sho knew what was the problem after the first time, he just enjoyed watching Kato-kun suffer a little. Even Aiba winced at the attempt.

“Kato-kun, the problem is that you don’t get the sense of rhythm. You are so focused on the words that you forget what makes the rap is the beat. Do it over but don’t say words. Just hum the syllables and make it more snappy.” Sho explained smiling as Shige paled at the new order.

It took a few times to accomplish but the result wasn’t all that great.

“You need to feel the beat! Do it over with the words.” Aiba said, jumping on his feet and going around the couch to stand over Shige.

Shige started to sing but stop as soon as Aiba started to drum on his back.

“What are you…” Shige’s question faded on his lips when he looked at Aiba’s eager face.

“It’s going to help you feel the rhythm of the song.” Sho explained laughing inside at the fact that maybe Aiba was hitting a bit too hard, but he had the right idea. “Do you have the music of the song?”

Shige nodded and took out his mp3 player, Sho handed him the mp3 dock on the coffee table so they could all hear the song.

After one hour of being beaten on the back by Aiba and being pointed out where to accentuate a word by Sho, Shige finally felt confidante enough to try facing the recording booth.

“Thank you so much Sho-san, Aiba-san for all of your help.” Shige bowed lightly trying not to wince to much. His back was probably black and blue.

“Our pleasure.” Aiba said, he liked the kid.

“I was very scared you were going to say no.” Shige continued

“I’m not that scary.” Sho said, was his reputation that bad with his kouhai? He wasn’t Nino who avoided them at all cost.

“No, it would have meant that I would have gone to the other person Koyama recommended. I didn’t want to ask a favour from Koki.” Shige bowed once more to signal his departure.

Sho was tempted to ask Aiba if he was missing out on something but kept his mouth shut, some things were better left unsaid. Aiba liked Koki since he was also from Chiba and Sho was starting to be rather fond of Shige.

arashi, characterization needs major work, news, someone made me do it, fic, no i don't really write fic

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