(no subject)

Jun 25, 2008 21:35

Drabble unbeta-ed that I spammed on araanaz9's AIM because she wasn't there.

Questionable Fashion

Uchi was glad to have a morning off to himself that he was aware of. Usually, he'd be in bed trying to enjoy the most of his available time for sleep. Vacation days were a rare thing in the Jimusho.

It wasn't as worse as when he was being shuffled from Tokyo to Osaka being time-shared for News and Eito. But he just had a wave of promotion to do for the last episode of Osen. Not that he was complaining about work, he didn't want to ever go back to the unappreciative brat he had been. If he could step back in time to send a message to his younger self, it'd probably be a slap on the head and to stay the hell away from alcohol in any shapes or forms.

But he was working in dramas again, it wasn't everything he'd wanted but he took it without saying a word. Now, the laundry was not so silently washing in the other room (with a soap that Tacchon reccomended since it smelt the best when Uchi desesperatly called him when faced with 4 differents brands at the supermarket) and he had just pour a large cup of coffee to enjoy while doing the very adult like thing to do: read the newspaper.

His attention wore off quickly from the worlds events, his brain wasn't awake enough to read the articles, so he skipped to the entertainment section.There was a picture from the last episode of Ariehen Sekai. Hina, Yasu and Maru-chan all smiles widely to the camera like the good little idols they were. Hina looked really good and sharp. Maru's hair was straight, thank heavens, and he also looked really nice. But, as much as Uchi wanted to focus on the other two, there was a big pink elephant between the two. Or, a scary plush rabbit hanging off Yasu's shirt as he held an ice cream props with a pale hat probably white. It was mindboggling. Worse was that the photo was in black and white. Uchi was very glad his mouth was free of coffee right now or he would have drooled it all over the newspaper.

"What the hell?" Uchi said out loud, just in case he was in a acid induced dream. He glanced at his cell phone sitting next to his keys in the middle of his table. He really wanted to ask if Yasu wasn't on drugs or launching a costume line because as much as he could be artistically different and wear the strangest combination; it was veering into a strange direction.

Ryo was busy with News interviews right now, they had met for sukiyaki last night or else Uchi would be gossiping about it with him. Uchi thought of maybe calling Maru to see if someone wasn't bullying Yasu into wearing something weird in the backstage of the show. Or maybe Hina would explain. If there was someone who was most critical of Yasu's fashion it was Hina.

But then it struck Uchi that he didn't even think of calling Yasu first and felt equally sad and guilty. Uchi leaned forward careful not to spill his coffee and grabbed his cellphone. He dialed Yasu's cell not knowing if the other one would answer him. They were pretty busy themselves.

"Moshi, moshi! Uchi-kun?" Uchi smiled when he heard Yasu's happy voice answering after the fourth ring.

"Hi Sho-chan! How are you?" Uchi asked, smoothing the crease of the newspaper with his free hand.                                                          
"Good, I can't stay long, we're going to shoot a CM for Janiben. What's wrong?" Yasu's voice sounded really worried. They used to talk to each other nearly everyday but in the past months they texted each other once or twice each week.

Uchi felt kind of stupid to call him to ask what was on his mind when he decided to pick those clothes but at the same time. He groaned, what he really needed was to have a meal with all of Eito around so he didn't feel like he did right now, unsure of who they were. Yasu wasn't a stranger to him and yet.

"What's up with you wearing those clothes for Arihen Sekai? Have you lost your mind?" Uchi asked before wincing at his lack of tact. He hit his forhead with his hand not minding the ink smudge he'd probably now had.

But Yasu just laughed in his perfectly cute giggle and Uchi knew immediately that he wasn't offended.

"It's silly, right?" Yasu breathed in after someone on his end warned him of being ready in a minute or two.

"Yeah." Uchi agreed, trying to grasp Yasu's logic.

"It's silly and it make people laugh and I like it when people are happy." Yasu was probably giving him his warmest most patient smile, the one he remembered when he mastered a song on the guitar.

"You looked really cute." Uchi muttered in the phone because it was true.

"Thank you! I miss you! We have to see each other soon. I have to go, bye bye!"

Uchi hung up the phone with a smile. He'd never question Yasu's fashion ever again.

No matter how tempted he was.

uchi, characterization needs major work, yasu

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