
Jun 23, 2010 20:35

[ Anything Please (Except For Defeat)] and [ Conjuring Up Our Melancholy] by addandsubtract

Ryan/Mikey, Pete/Mikey.

Absolutely fantastic - Panic! being taken under MCR's wing rather than FOB's wing, and it's fascinating to see what changes, while Ryan/Mikey is a fantastic pairing.

“Um, I just,” the kid says, looking at his ragged sneakers, newsboy cap pulled down low over his forehead. “Here.” He holds out a CD, homemade case, the words demo songs - 1 written out in sharpie on the plastic cover.

“What’s this?” Gerard asks, mostly curious. The adrenaline is still rushing through his veins, making him jittery, twitchy, and he fiddles with a lock of his hair, pushing it behind his ear.

“My demo - my band’s demo. Sort of.” The kid doesn’t look up, but the edges of his mouth lift enough that his voice sounds wrong - too monotone for what should be excitement. Passion. Something. “Just - do you think you could listen? Tell me what you think. My email’s on the inside cover.” He bites his lower lip, and finally meets Gerard’s eyes, and Gerard tries not to promise anything he can’t keep, so.

“I’ll do my best. We’re on tour, obviously, and that gets a little crazy. But, yeah. I’ll give it a listen.” Gerard just hopes he’s not inadvertently lying.

bandom: pete/mikey, bandom: ryan/mikey, bandom: au

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