In the game of life, sometimes you score and sometimes you get scored on. I think the other fucking team just scored a hat trick on me and then fucked my mom on the bench while I sat and watched. Or something like that
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Hey its mike, i just dont have an account so deal.
May 26 2006, 16:18:21 UTC
Write a movie script about this, and use the analogies and produce it and make millions of dollars. Then we'll laugh Chris. Oh then will we laugh. I'll laugh because I'll be living in your mansion surviving off your dollars. And you'll laugh because you'll know your better. OR if you like we could just get together today and laugh alot. It'd pretty much be the same situation. Hey can I borrow $5?
Bah, life sometimes does throw you crap, crap that we all have to deal with. shitty crap. use lots of soap. After awile the soap will start to help and the shitty crap will go back to where it came from. grrrr.
Comments 4
good luck to you sir!
Anywaysss hoorah for moving on! Cough. :P
OR if you like we could just get together today and laugh alot. It'd pretty much be the same situation. Hey can I borrow $5?
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