Week 51 results

Feb 12, 2006 18:16

Great voting turnout, everyone! First, second, and third places were neck-and-neck the whole time. =3

FIRST PLACE: cynicalsnark

SECOND PLACE: plafulmispeling

THIRD PLACE: watermirror120

MOD'S CHOICE: hiragizawa

Runners up (order does not necessarily reflect your placement.)
#02. _harle
#03. fangface27
#05. snahjerblah
#06. kizzmon
#07. tsuki_icons

Congrats winners! If a new theme isn't posted by Monday, melfra will post your new theme.

(This next message applies to corinn, eggdrpsoup, hiragizawa, layd33e, melfra, rebmastu, tsuki_icons, and watermirror120.)

Also, banner makers! In case y'all needed a reminder, here's the schedule up 'till week 50.

Week 31, Warmth - corinn
Week 32, Mythical - eggdrpsoup
Week 33, Jewel - hiragizawa
Week 34, Together - krispy_kira
Week 35, Game - layd33e
Week 36, Monochrome - melfra
Week 37, Humor - rebmastu
Week 38, "Razzle Dazzle" tsuki_icons
Week 39, Faceless - watermirror120
Week 40, Elements - corinn
Week 41, "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" eggdrpsoup
Week 42, Items - hiragizawa
Week 43, Alice in Wonderland - krispy_kira
Week 44, Minor Characters - layd33e
Week 45, Ethnic/Foreign - melfra
Week 46, The Power - rebmastu
Week 47, Night - tsuki_icons
Week 48, Light - watermirror120
Week 49, Royal - corinn
Week 50, Community icon - eggdrpsoup
Week 50, Pairs - hiragizawa

Posting access will be granted to you as soon as you complete a set of banners, as will the username/password for the ccs_awards photobucket account. If you need to drop out of the running at any time, please let us know! And remember: You don't have to wait until the previous person is done with their banners to post yours. The sooner, the better!

results, announcements + surveys, week 51

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