Banners for Weeks 63 & 64!

Sep 03, 2007 16:08

I haven't forgotten my banner duty!

Banners for Week 63: Schadenfreude )

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Comments 3

melfra September 5 2007, 23:40:04 UTC
Absolutely amazing! I especially like how the first one matches the icon with a different scene (the colors even go together xD). Thanks so much for doing these ~<3


michybell September 6 2007, 14:14:19 UTC
Hello, my name is Michy.
I found your page out of the blue and I like your icons very much. I'm a big fan of CLAMP and I really LOVE Card Captor Sakura. Could I have some of them for my own? I mean, used them to sign.
Thank you very much
xxx Michy


rebmastu September 7 2007, 10:59:02 UTC
Each icon here is made by a different user; I suggest finding someone whose icons you really like and asking them in a comment to their personal journal where they would be most likely to see it, as opposed to an obscure post in this community which would be easily lost. Most people have their own sets of guidelines pertaining to usage of their icons, so you'd probably have to ask them about that. =3 It usually involves putting their names in the keywords, or comments section of the icon, but you're better off perusing their icon journals. ^^


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