So I made it Chicago all right. We drove around the city, but didn't get into Pink Floyd because you had to be 18, so that sucked majorly. But we walked around the city for hours, fell asleep in the Whie Sox stadium parking lot, got woken up by the cops, then started driving home around 4. So it was fun, and something you don't do everyday!
Your entries are just as bad at We both write too much, but thats okay. So you say we didn't watch spiderman 2, and we didn't fall asleep..then what DID we do? haha
well...i figured it wouldnt be very nice to tell everyone we had sex like 4 times over and over again w/o ur permisssion. But now that u have asked in public, i will tell. Me and Julie had sex about 4 different times and i belive she is pregant w/ four Now that all that is cleared up. well, i write alot because i like to read the long entry's and sinc ei like long entries, i figure others do too. I love u, cole
Comments 4
What city did your mom go to? I love da UP eh!
I love u, cole
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