*Puts her cute face on*

Feb 26, 2009 23:37

Anyone in Arizona, California, Utah or Nevada want to help me collect bugs? I need a helping hand.  Pleeeeaaaasssee?  *bats eyes*

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Comments 11

pelaithaliel February 27 2009, 05:50:39 UTC
I'm in Arizona - not sure how much I can help...


ccb_love February 27 2009, 21:08:21 UTC
Thats okay. I basically just need a spotter to call an ambulence in case I get bitten/stung.


pelaithaliel February 27 2009, 23:16:07 UTC
I'd be happy to help!


blythechild February 27 2009, 15:17:16 UTC
Dude, if you ever want to come to Ontario to collect bugs, I'm there!


ccb_love February 27 2009, 21:08:56 UTC
oo! I might actually have to come up that way to do a census of social spiders! I'll keep you in mind. ;-)


blythechild February 27 2009, 21:26:57 UTC
I don't know any social spiders, but perhaps that's because I shun Twitter and Facebook...

I only ever knew one social spider - he wore a vermillion beret and played the upright bass from the ceiling in the corner of my room. His name was Mingus and he was a ladies man. Very smooooooth for a guy with so many eyeballs....


misspinki777 February 27 2009, 17:18:20 UTC
Bugs?! Dead or Alive?


ccb_love February 27 2009, 21:09:12 UTC
Alive! The best kind!


misspinki777 February 27 2009, 21:46:40 UTC
And how would I get them to you? Is there a way to stun them to sleep for a while? I'll try to help you if I can. :)


ccb_love February 27 2009, 21:54:35 UTC
No, silly! I'm coming there! I basically just need a spotter to call 911 if I get bit/stung by something nasty. :-)


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