
Jan 05, 2009 18:46

I have a new dog. Good lord. I picked up a stray who was hit by a car. He's about half the weight he should be and 8-10 years old. We took him to the vet and got him all bandaged up. He seems in relatively good health besides what you would expect a dog in such conditions to have ( Read more... )

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Comments 10

scarlet_tanager January 6 2009, 01:47:28 UTC
aww. poor little guy. it's so awesome of you to take care of him. good luck in turning him around. i think you can do it. :) i hope you can get some pics of him up when he's more settled in.


beybladesabre January 6 2009, 02:27:16 UTC
Oh no! I can't believe people just hit animals and just keep going...

Several years ago, my mom saw the truck ahead of her run over a dog, and keep going, so she stopped, and this little old man comes out into the road and picked up his dead dog and was just standing there holding it and crying... My god, it fucking broke my mom's heart to see that, and it really make me so sad and angry still to think about it. I'm sure there is a special place in hell for assholes like that... :(

That is awesome you're taking the little guy in. It was his lucky day that you happened by I guess! I hope he heals up quick!


ccb_love January 6 2009, 05:01:45 UTC
When I lived in Ohio I saw someone driving along the highway in a big Ford and hit a PONY! that had gotten away from a girl on her farm and somehow got over the fence. The guy killed the pony, but didn't even hit the brakes. I was a few cars back and slammed on mine, pulled over and jumped out to check on the little thing. I was really upset until I looked for where it had come from and saw a girl who couldn't have been older than 10 just standing in shock holding a little pink halter. I broke down in a big way. Not a good day.


beybladesabre January 6 2009, 05:26:40 UTC
D: Oh no, that's so horrible!!! I actually had something similar happen right near where I board my horses... I *just* missed it, but basically the same thing happened, little neighbor girl's horse got away and ran onto the highway and got smoked by a truck...little girl saw everything:( And basically I was shitting my pants hearing over the radio that a horse got hit on the highway right near where I board, and I was driving out there as fast as I could because I didn't know whether it was one of mine or not. Not cool at all!! Entry is here if you want to read the story...http://beybladesabre.livejournal.com/150643.html#cutid1 it starts right under the first set of pics if you're interested.


Picture? blythechild January 6 2009, 15:50:21 UTC
Don't worry - if there wasn't a legal limit to how many dogs you can own within the city limits, my house would be overrun. And quite smelly.


Re: Picture? ccb_love January 7 2009, 03:43:21 UTC
I think I would too, but I can't afford to keep bandaging these guys up! At least my vet didn't charge me a dime for the 'repairs'. He does a lot of pro bono on strays that people bring in, if they are going to be surrendered or kept.


misspinki777 January 6 2009, 19:07:57 UTC
Nothing wrong with wanting a big family of puppies! ^_^
If I had my way, I'd have a house full of cats! (and if I weren't so allergic to them)

Hope we get to see pics! :D


ccb_love January 7 2009, 03:54:49 UTC
Haha, I was just thinking the other day that I wanted a cat since my dogs learned to get along with them when we went to Ct. Now, I think the Inn may be full.


pelaithaliel January 7 2009, 17:03:09 UTC
Good for you! The poor little thing. I can't believe anyone would be so heartless as to hit a dog(or any other animal, really) and drive off. It's just another example of how we as human beings are getting more and more cut off from the natural world. If we could keep some of that sense of awe that we are born with, things like this wouldn't happen with such alarming frequency. Let's just hope this prick dies in a fire BEFORE he's able to pass on his genes.

I hope the little guy gets better soon. *wants a puppy SO bad*


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