{ THE cc_icontest RENOVATION SURVEY 2006! }

Mar 08, 2006 19:56

As I'm sure everyone's noticed in recent months, cc_icontest has been a bit lacking in enthusiasm. I'm sure several factors are attributing to this: conflicting schedules, perhaps a bit of a lack of imagination on my part and [without giving way any specifics] the current Charlie/Claire circumstances.

...well frankly we just can't have this!

In an effort to renovate this place before our milestone 50th challenge, I've done up a survey that I'd appreciate you all taking the time to fill out. One of the biggest issues I'm concerned with is the current schedule of entering/voting.

The Deal with Entering/Voting
It seems ideal to have the ENTERING opened all week and to have the VOTING (which takes a shorter time) to occur over the weekend. I mean, logically it makes sense, right? Well, it has only come to my attention lately that this probably makes very little sense for the majority of us here, being students or part-/full-time employees busy throughout the week and free on the weekends. So now I propose to you the two options of scheduling:

Option 1 (The current schedule):
ENTERING: Sunday - Friday
VOTING: Saturday & Sunday


Option 2:
ENTERING: Tuesday - Sunday
VOTING: Monday & Tuesday
(which gives everyone the chance to make their entries over the weekend and also would coincide with my schedule best, I think.)

Please keep in mind which scheduling option you prefer for the opinion question in the survey.

And now without further ado...


Poll cc_icontest Renovation Survey!

Also, if you've got questions/comments/suggestions that will not fit the text box above, feel free to post them in a comment to this post. All entries will be screened. =)

Hope to spruce this place up in the very near future! Thanks in advance to those who fill out the survey. <3

Your mod,
Krys, hopelessfangirl
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