
May 15, 2012 15:58

I managed to spill coffee in my purse today (don't even ask; it's a talent).  My filofax and wallet were mostly spared.  My phone is currently recuperating in a jar of rice (once I pried the battery cover off, seriously, HTC, did you guys even TRY any human factors testing on that thing?).  My entire apartment smells like coffee, but like stale, ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

fredericks May 16 2012, 00:24:02 UTC
That dress is lovely. Although I find myself wondering how crisp the white "origami" part will stay after a night (or day) out and I'm torn.

And you spilled coffee and managed to salvage everything, but how is your purse? I hope there wasn't absorbent fabric lining the inside. The only thing worse than stale old coffee in your apartment is stale old coffee in the purse you're toting around all day. :(


cbackson May 16 2012, 00:37:55 UTC
I worried about that! But it's jersey, so it's fairly wrinkle-resistant. I am a bit worried about it getting stained with make-up or lotion, though...

The inside is fabric, alas. I'm going to have to take it to a leather-cleaning place, and I fear the lining will have to be replaced. Fortunately it wasn't super-expensive, but I am still bummed.


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cbackson May 16 2012, 01:31:24 UTC
Indeed, this incident totally heightened the excellence of the filofax! If my phone is a wash, I just have to buy another one, but I won't have lost my contacts and appointments. Sure, a few of the pages have a brown, coffee-scented lower right corner now, but they're perfectly legible. I have the Finsbury pocket-size in raspberry, and I LOVE it.

My father is flying in tomorrow to help me manage the last few days, and then we're jumping in the car on Sunday to road-trip our way back to the east coast. I am SO excited.


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cbackson May 16 2012, 01:57:43 UTC
I can't believe it's so soon - I left work on April 30th, and it feels like that was both forever ago and yesterday. I'm going to stay with them for a while, so that I can find an apartment I can see myself staying in for a good long while. I hate driving, which means that finding a place in car-centric Atlanta will be a trial.


raisintorte May 26 2012, 02:24:01 UTC
That dress is super cute!! I am heading to Nordstorms tomorrow for work stuff and shoes for a wedding!


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