Fixxer, My First SPN Fanfic. Pt2.

Sep 10, 2008 00:12

So here is my next instalment. i hope you enjoy reading it as much as i enjoyed writing it.

Title: Fixxxer.
Author: Caz2y5
Rating: General. AU
Spoilers: None. unless you have no idea about supernatural.
Disclaimer: Kripke crafted them im just playing!
Summary: Sam and Dean take some down time before they find thier next hunt.

part one here

Silver city
New Mexico

Dean was totally in the moment. He lay stretched out on his back with his hands behind his head and a large grin across his face. His eyes were closed and he was completely almost blissfully unaware of the loud hum as the magic fingers machine worked its way through the tension of his back.
Across the room sitting on the table a mobile phone began to ring. After the fourth grating BRINGG! Dean no longer smiling opened his eyes staring at the phone as it vibrated out the tune to smoke on the water. It was his mobile he was torn about whether to get up and answer it he was far to comfortable to move so he decided that whoever it was could wait the five minutes for his massage to finish. Besides if it was really important they could call back. Once the phone had rung out Dean closed his eyes and tried to relax. That was until Sam’s phone began to ring
At that exact moment Sam was standing in the shower leaning with his hands against the tiles, the water cascading over him. It’s deafening roar making Sam completely oblivious to the noise from the next room.
Dean’s eyebrows furrowed. Why should he move, after all this time it was Sam’s phone. Attempting not to move Dean reached down and opened the draw next to him where he out pulled the only heavy object he could find. He lifted the Gideon’s bible over his shoulder and flung it at the door.
A loud thud at the door pulled Sam from his thoughts.
“Sammy! Phone!” Dean shouted from the bedroom.
Sam tilted his head. He could just hear his phone over the roar of the water.
“Dude I am in the shower! Answer it for me.”
“Two words Sammy. Magic fingers!”
Sam sighed. He reached down and turned of the water, then grabbing a towel he wrapped it around his waist as he stepped out of the shower and across the room. He pulled open the door and
“Dude the bible?” He said looking at his brother. Dean was still lying on the bed with his hand behind his head.
“Took you long enough!” Dean quipped as he closed his eyes. Sam ignored his brother and answered his phone.
“Sam? Is everything okay? Dean’s not answering his phone either.” Bobby asked. Sam looked at Dean and frowned as water dripped from his wet hair and ran in rivulets down his bare chest.
“Hey Bobby, Nah were fine. I was just in the shower that’s all. What’s up?”
“Where’s Dean why didn’t he answer?”
“Yeah he’s here, he’s fine. He’s just” busy with the magic fingers.”
“Magic what? Look never mind. The reason I called is because I have a favor to ask.” The loud hum slowly ground down and died out. Dean kept his eyes closed but shifted slightly and frowned. He checked in his pockets and then looked through a bunch of scrunched up receipts on the bench.
“Hey Sam” Dean whispered as he pulled him self up and sat at the end of the bed. Sam turned his back and tried to ignore his brother.
“Sam. Sammy!” Dean pestered. Waving his arms and trying desperately to gain his brothers attention.
“Hang on a second Bobby.” Sam covered the receiver with his hand and turned back to face his brother
“Do you have any quarters?” Dean asked loudly as he sat up.
“Dean! I am on the phone!”
“Yeah I know but I’m out of quarters, do you have any?”
Sam glared daggers at his brother.
“Not on me no!” Sam said sarcastically, drawing Dean’s attention to the fact that Sam was only wearing a towel.
“Sorry Bobby you were saying” Sam said as he returned to the phone conversation. At the same time he turned and walked back into the bathroom slamming the door.

When Sam finally emerged from the bathroom he was dry and wearing a pair of jeans and a shirt. He was also no longer on the phone. Dean was seated at the table using Sam’s laptop.
“You so better not be looking at porn on my computer!” Sam informed his brother, still agitated by Dean’s earlier interruption. Dean turned the laptop so that Sam could see that he was looking at a newspaper article about a guy who took a nose dive from a tenth story apartment in Tucson, Dean turned the computer back before Sam could read any further. Sam moved around and stood behind his brother trying to read more of the article but Dean was already on a new page.
“Did you find anything interesting?”
“Nope. You know just the usual, murder, mayhem, and destruction. But nothing you would consider up our alley. So who was on the phone?”
Sam looked at his brother in disbelief. He was tempted to pick up the pistol from the table and beat Dean around the head with it. Maybe shoot him a couple of times just to make his point, but he dismissed the thought with a shake of his head and a frown.

“Uh, it was Bobby. He wants us to meet him in Tucson.”
Dean raised his eyebrows but did not look up from the computer.
“Oh yeah what’s the old man up to now?”
“I’m not sure. He didn’t really want to get into details on the phone. Whatever it is it sure seems to have gotten Bobby rattled.”
“Well whatever it is, its gotta be big to rattle Bobby. So let’s pack it up.” Dean turned off the Laptop. “Let’s get going. Its gunna take at least five hours of driving to get down there.”
“Yeah. Especially the way you drive!”
“Hey if I was gunna drive it would only take us three!”

oh and comments are love!

character: sam, character: dean, fanfic: fixxxer, supernatural ate my soul

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