bored so why not write something!

Aug 09, 2008 22:41

So here i am wondering what im gunna do today and so i just started writing.
yeah so i had this dream about Dean watching Sam sleep. and i wrote about that

title: Heat of the moment
rating: pg 13
Summary: Its hot and Dean cant sleep

Dean lay on his back in the large bed of the darkened Motel room. The loud thrum of the air conditioner doing nothing to cool him down in the 100 degree heat, except keep him awake. 
He had been staring at the ceiling, watching the strip of light from the gap in the curtain slowly make its way across it.
He rolled onto his side kicking of the last vestiges of the sheet as he did so.  In the dark he could just make out the outline of his brother Sam sleeping in the other bed.  Sam lay on his side with his back to dean and his face buried in his pillow. Dean lay there and waited for his eyes to adjust to the difference in the light.
Slowly more of Sam's features came into focus. if he squinted just right, Dean could even read 'Calvin Klein' on the elastic bit at the top of his brother's underwear. He lay there and watched the gentle rise and fall of his brother's chest as he breathed.  With his eyes Dean traced the outline of the curve of Sam's back up to his shoulder and then down his muscular arm to where it disappeared under the pillow. in fact Dean felt a little surprised that his brother was as able to sleep in this stinker.

Dean ran his hand over his chest then wiped the accumulated sweat from his hand onto the sheet. If this heat kept him awake much longer at least he would be able to get Sam to drive tomorrow so he could try and sleep in the car he thought.
taking his eyes of Sam Dean flipped his pillow over. It wasn't really that much cooler on the other side because he had already flipped it about a million times but a little was better than nothing.

When he finally looked back at his brother Dean could make out the scar in the middle of Sam's back. where Jake had stabbed him almost a year earlier.  He had gone to the crossroads and sold his soul to heal that scar. Dean knew that he had done something stupid but there was just no way he could let his brother stay dead. He was suppose to protect him and he had promised that he would never let Sam down again.

Sam made a moaning sound and rolled over his face turned toward Dean. Sam's mop of hair stood out at a funny angle and then fell across his face, making Sam screw up his nose but he still didn't wake up. Dean wanted to lay there and just watch his brother sleep forever. He knew that soon his time would be up and he would probably never see his brother again. He wanted to cherish every moment he could, to drink in the detail of his brothers face. the smoothness of his skin. The shape of his ears. His blue eyes.
"Dude are you watching me sleep?"
"yeah right. get over yourself"
Dean rolled away from his brother, dropping his legs of the side of the bed and sitting up.
" I cant sleep in this oven, im gunna take a shower."
"Are you telling me because you want me to join you?"
"Not funny Bitch!" 
As fast as he could Dean retreated to the bathroom and closed the door.
He slipped his thumbs into the elastic of his sweat soaked underwear and slid them down to the floor.
Turning on the faucet he stepped into the shower recess the flow of cold water bringing a long needed release from the sticky heat. over the roar of the water he could just make out Sam's reply.
"Pervert! Jerk!"
Oh man Dean laughed to himself with a shake of his head, Sam sure is lucky that i love him. even if i plan on never telling him. Coz if he wasn't my brother i'd kill him.

and suddenly i discover that i liked what i wrote. in fact im impressed. *Blows own horn!*
It does seem to be a little slanted but it was not intended to be that way.

character: sam, character: dean, supernatural ate my soul, fanfic: heat of the moment, wincest is not my otp...but

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