Glee Fic: Words Unsaid

Oct 16, 2012 23:55

Title: Words Unsaid
Author: catyuy
Rating: PG?
Pairing: Klaine
Spoilers: canon up to 4x4, with minor spoilers up to 4x6.
Warnings: 4x4 happened
Summary: Sometimes, no matter how much it hurts, conversations need to be put on hold.
Disclaimer: Glee and its characters do not belong to me and I make no money off of this piece of fiction

Inspired by this post by aelora

Its the night after their first performance of Grease and Blaine knows that Kurt was in the audience. He isn’t surprised to find him backstage congratulating the cast on a good show. He waits off to the side as everyone rushes to either get out of costume or go greet friends and family in the auditorium. Kurt must know he’s there, he doesn’t look at Blaine but at least he doesn’t leave.

Finally they’re alone and the silence is deafening.


“Don’t” flies out of Kurt’s mouth so fast that Blaine barely even finishes his name. “I’m not here to talk to you. I don’t want to talk to you. I can’t talk to you now. If I do I’ll say something I’ll regret and we already have one giant regret between us and this would be the last one, so don’t try to talk to me now”

Blaine knows his confusion is showing on his face. He doesn’t understand what Kurt could possibly say that would be worse to them than what he did. Kurt looks at him briefly before sighing.

“You broke something with us Blaine. But if I talk to you now I’ll break the first promise I ever made you and then that’ll be it.”

Blaine suddenly remembers that promise, hears Kurt’s voice in his head. “I’m never saying goodbye to you”. And it hurts that he’s done something that makes Kurt even think about saying that word to him. So he bites his lip and gives Kurt a jerky nod.

They stand there, feet apart yet it feels like millions of miles between them. Just standing, staring at each others shoes. Finally a hand lands on Blaine’s shoulder, startling him. Its Sam. “Hey dude, Sugar’s rented out Breadsticks for a party. Are you gonna join us?”

“Oh yah, I guess.” He flits his eyes over to where Kurt is standing but he only sees him walking out the side door. Blaine lets out a breath, he’s not sure if its in relief or disappointment before looking back at Sam and gives him a weak smile. “Did you need a ride?”

blaine anderson, kurt hummel, i wrote something!!!, glee, klaine, inspired, tumblr, writing!muse hates the other muses, fanfic

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