NCIS fic: Rocky Road, DiNozzo/McGee, PG

Oct 07, 2009 20:34

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2009: fanfic, probilicious, tv: ncis

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Comments 54

shetiger October 7 2009, 20:49:26 UTC
Okay, first--LOL, I can't believe you wrote it. But you're awesome, thank you. (I was really, really tired when I left that prompt.)

Second, oh, this made me all choked up most of the way through it. Oh, Tony, so stupid, but so human. Thank you for manning up and admitting what was going on in your fuzzy, fuzzy head. *hugs you*

(And now I am talking to fictional characters in your journal. Um.)

secretfantasylifeasabondgirl LOL. Perfect.


catwalksalone October 8 2009, 12:49:51 UTC
It was such a ridiculously CUTE prompt, I couldn't not write it. I'm very glad you like the end result, *beams*

(And now I am talking to fictional characters in your journal. Um.)

It'sTony. I don't know how he does it--I think he has special powers.


andeincascade October 7 2009, 21:28:36 UTC
Awwww Cat, this is wonderful. I want to pet them both. And maybe give Tony baking lessons. :D Many many sparkly ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥


catwalksalone October 8 2009, 12:51:19 UTC
Yay, thank you, Ande! *smishes*


wishfulclicking October 8 2009, 01:54:34 UTC
It feels like you have a window into Tony's mind, and wow do you know how to use it. So many of these lines are pure gold, but here are some of my favorites ( ... )


catwalksalone October 8 2009, 12:57:00 UTC
Thank you! I'm delighted you enjoyed it.

It feels like you have a window into Tony's mind, and wow do you know how to use it

It's slightly scary how easy it is for me to think myself into Tony's head, but it's SO much fun to be there. :D


kasumidance October 8 2009, 09:05:02 UTC
I should be going to bed but I absolutely had to comment NOW, so this will be somewhat incoherent and I'm sure when I read it tomorrow I'll have thought of six hundred other things I loved about this fic, but EEEEEEEEEE I LOVE YOUR BRAIN. This is so CUTE and so SWEET and oh my boys I love you so so so much. I want to start quoting individual lines that I love but then realized I'd basically be copy-and-pasting the entire 2nd half of the story (because that hit me the hardest), so I will exert self-control and ( ... )


catwalksalone October 8 2009, 13:00:56 UTC
Thank you! My brain is thrilled to be loved. :D

THIS LINE. I actually stopped and reread this line a couple of times to savor the moment before moving on - in fact, I think I finished the next paragraph and then came back to this line and reread it from here again, because... oh Tony, that you REALIZED and brought it up and TALKED about it. I almost cried. And poor Tim, that he'd been waiting for it to drop since the start - ow my HEART.

I am grinning so hard right now because that was EXACTLY the reaction I wanted from that part. \o/

(I do not know about the formatting thing. That's sucky if it's true. Also new. Hmm.)


kasumidance October 9 2009, 00:59:02 UTC
I am grinning so hard right now because that was EXACTLY the reaction I wanted from that part. \o/

What can I say, I respond very well to your... emotional manipulation XD And I keep coming back for more!

Also, I did not know I could add HTML tags to comments - now that I do, beware of italics and bolding on top of capslock! mWAHAHAHAHAH.


jack_infinitude October 8 2009, 13:56:07 UTC
Awww. :) This is adorable. And Tony...really doesn't do well by himself. :D Loved all of it, especially when Tony speaks to the paper bag, ahaha. (How many times have I done that?) Though the car conversation was just a bit heartbreaking, too.


catwalksalone October 9 2009, 15:27:34 UTC
Thank you! (I may, er, find myself talking to inanimate objects on a regular basis, also.)


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