tl; therefore, read only if you're on my side :D

Jun 19, 2010 12:28

Gasp! Gem is posting about NEWS!

But yes. I've read the post on news_jpop about Yamapi's 'statement' to the fans and the subsequent reactions of the fans to it. Summarily, there's the group that says 'Let's relax and wait and believe in Yamapi' and the other group that says 'We should be concerned about it!'

Needless to say, I am of the second group.

A thesis on NEWS' situation and the fans' reactions )

coherent news, fandom rambling, random talk, srs issues here

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Comments 41

staypainted June 19 2010, 04:36:26 UTC
this is a terrible comment for such a well-thought out post that was awesome to read but:

omg I love NEWS.


catskilt June 19 2010, 05:00:56 UTC
I would love them more if I saw them more, lol XD


staypainted June 19 2010, 05:24:08 UTC
the other day they came up shuffle and I was hit with a ~wave of love, so I watched NWPD, so at the moment I am not missing them, but in a few weeks I'll start feeling deprived of them again. ):


daelite June 19 2010, 04:53:18 UTC
I think it says a lot about the quality of recent singles that you forgot Koi no ABO!

But seriously, I agree with you. So much. It's not about what NEWS doesn't get that other groups do, or about solo activities. There is a large portion of fans who are primarily, if not only, interested in NEWS as a group. It's about that. It's that numerous fans cried to see NEWS lined up on TV to perform Sakura Girl. That they're that "starved" for something that was just supposed to be a fun hobby for them is really heartbreaking. That there are Kusano fans who hung around in NEWS fandom after hiatus because "Even if he's never back, at least the rest of them are still a group" who now, after years, are dropping the whole fandom because it's nothing but dissatisfaction... D ( ... )


ky_rin June 19 2010, 05:06:07 UTC
I think I would want to forget Koi no ABO.


catskilt June 19 2010, 05:57:10 UTC
LMAO DYING I KNEW THERE WAS SOMETHING OFF ABOUT MY SUMMARY. I must have blocked out Koi no ABO entirely :| cried when NEWS lined up to perform Sakura Girl? That is just :| Fans should not be crying for reasons like that, really, and it's just an indication that something is wrong somewhere.

This IS the entertainment industry. Things don't stop moving. Things won't relax around you while you take a break for a year or something. NEWS is flirting with non-existence and I really don't see how some fans can remain accepting of that because 'we believe in the boys'. No amount of belief is going to bring them back on stage together.

LOL, sit-down protest at the zoo! I second the movement :D


fairy_illusions June 19 2010, 04:55:36 UTC
Basically, you have summed up my thoughts on NEWS ( ... )


catskilt June 19 2010, 06:15:09 UTC
It's hard to get excited over a group that you barely see :| It really makes me wonder what JE is doing, or whichever company that's managing their publicity and activities. It's just odd business sense to have a perfectly good group languishing about doing shitty stuff after spending money on their debut/concerts/etc ( ... )


fairy_illusions June 20 2010, 04:28:57 UTC
Good question!! Splurge on their debut/concerts, but then kick NEWS's such a wise business choice....not ( ... )


catskilt June 20 2010, 04:54:34 UTC
....losing endorsements is really sad. It's a sign that there's really something wrong, so I don't understand the fans who're still being complacent and insisting that there's no need for fandom to be concerned.

Ugh, Ryo. Sometimes he irritates me. I know he works hard for both groups and all, but just, seriously? I dislike how after seven years, NEWS is still so split into four and two. They are not four and two. They are supposed to be six. It's okay to have a power/popularity disparity, but for JE and NEWS to distinguish it so markedly is annoying.

Solo projects are well and good, but ultimately what fans want is group activities. This is not what JE is giving fans. What kind of idol company doesn't give fans what they want? I don't get it. Isn't the whole point of showbiz about giving fans what they want? LOL. (ofc, there's artiste self-fulfillment and w/e but hey, it's all about the money in the end, okay.)


ky_rin June 19 2010, 05:04:14 UTC
who is NEWS again? :|

...sigh. I was gonna say I wish they had a show, realized that they did have a show, although that show doesn't have all of NEWS, so that is still debatable. I guess I'm still gonna wish for a show. WHAT ELSE TO WISH FOR, HUH, JE, HUH.


catskilt June 19 2010, 06:20:32 UTC
They are, um, the group I used to go cray cray over! :|

Nothing else to wish for. I don't even want a single because they don't really promote their singles, so what's the point?


ky_rin June 19 2010, 06:30:06 UTC
Um oh yar, me too hor :|

Zannen desu ne...

but we've got this. *points to icon* I think we're good.


catskilt June 19 2010, 07:19:41 UTC
we have this

... )


aikomidori June 19 2010, 05:05:30 UTC
First, I'm glad that I'm not the only one who thought HB and Sakura Girl were sub-par. And even though SG was the first thing that NEWS had been together in in ages I didn't watch the PV and the only bits of the song I heard were when I was in stores and they were playing the music :/

Second, I recently rediscovered my love for K-T after watching their NMP making-of and fell in love with them all over again. And that made me realize how much I've actually been waiting for NEWS to make a real comeback. Or, you know, I'm just bitter that they didn't have a concert the one year that I had the highest probability to go to one :/

Third, I would've believed the 'trust in us' spiel if Ryo had said it more than Yamapi. I want to believe in him, I really do, but he seems to be the type to say stuff because they sound good rather than say it because he's actually going to do something about it, like you've said.

All in all, I'm just a little bit sadface because I wanted to see Shige live, dammit >____>


catskilt June 19 2010, 06:52:03 UTC
The PV of Sakura Girl is pathetic, lol. And they couldn't seem to make up their minds whether it was a happy or sad song. The tune is so happy, the lyrics are sad, the PV is sad, the performances are happy. Like srsly. What?

I'm just beginning to give up on a proper NEWS comeback. Every time you think they're going to have a proper comeback, they do half past six promos and you're so disenchanted all over again :|

Yamapi is so politically correct, he should be a politician instead. I think he would do really, really well XD

DDDD: ngl, I am really hanging on mostly because of Shige.


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