Fan account of SS4 Bangkok 16 March in Points

Mar 19, 2012 22:40

Report in point form - but very long points!

Anyway, everyone knows that Bangkok usually has some of the best Super Shows, right. The guys really seem to like interacting with the audience and horsing around with each other. So that's what they did.

Long-winded report underneath! )

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Comments 1

farahaehyuk March 19 2012, 17:19:21 UTC
omg you had so much fun and i envy you. huhu
we are still waiting for SS4 Malaysia to be announced :(
i laughed so hard when u said siwon is a slut. lol. but i kinda agree with that because he is whoring with everyone okay. hahaha
and i second that eunhyuk has a really flawless skin and donghae, kyu 's pimple scar can't be covered with their make up.(i noticed this when i watched them last year in ss3 singapore)
i'm so going to check your youtube! :)


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