SPN Season 5 finale - puzzled thought.

May 14, 2010 17:20

I wrote this as a comment on ostaras_journey but I thought I might as well post it here too, as it is the main thing that puzzled me about the episode.

Strange episode. On the one hand I really enjoyed it - I was engaged, I had a pounding heart etc and was fairly happy with how it all went down, despite the non-epicness of the 'epic' battle.

On the other hand, what happened to Dean's build-up? The Michael sword, a true agent of Heaven (killing the Whore of Babylon and being able to watch Zachariah go up in smoke), the righteous man who started it is the only one who can end it... These things puzzle me. I have nothing against how it played out for Sam, not at all. In fact I loved that about it, that he had the strength to cage Lucifer and save the world. But Dean's part in all this, after a season of hints and allegations? I'm baffled. Was his role just to be there to give Sam the strength he needed? I dunno.

I have to say though that I did quite a lot glee out of Castiel exploding like a ripe, fat watermelon. Lol!

Needless to say, I am glad there is a season 6. Don't think I would be quite this calm if that was it for Supernatural.


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