SPN art: Angels and Demons

May 17, 2009 17:44

Pardon the pun, but I went to see Angels and Demons today, and thought it would be a fun subject line. Fun movie too, if you don’t take these things too seriously. Anyway, I did some manipulation art of Sam the other day, and decided to have a go at Dean after watching the finale on Thursday…

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Comments 4

ficwriter1966 May 17 2009, 19:46:10 UTC
You know - I *like* the one of Sam better. But I think they both look very genuine. They don't look like manips, they look like real statues. Nicely done!

And there could be a bunny in there somewhere. Hiding down at the bottom, in the shadows.


catsbycat May 17 2009, 20:59:42 UTC
Well, I have to agree with you - I like the Sam one better too. Heh. But thank you! The aim was the statue effect so I'm glad it worked.

And there could be a bunny in there somewhere. Hiding down at the bottom, in the shadows.
Really?! Intriguing... :)


ostaras_journey May 17 2009, 21:48:48 UTC
You know what I think it is? I don't think it's any problem with your manips, it's that the hair on the Lucifer statue is so much closer to Sam's than the hair on the Michael statue is like Dean's. I think that's what's throwing it out slightly with the Dean statue, and there's nothing you can do about that.

Another great manip by you, though. :)


catsbycat May 18 2009, 21:05:32 UTC
Hmm... I hadn't thought of that, but you could be right. The hair on the Lucifer statue is almost exactly Sammy hair. Michael statue? Not so much like Dean. Lol. And it makes me feel better too :)

Seriously though, thank you!


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