the_deepbluesea challenge. Uhh, a version of something I did once before...
To M’Lady Aura Alleyne Washburn: So, little Minx, it’s your seventh birthday coming up here, and seeing as I promised your ma I’d pass these on to you on that special date, I’m leaving this for you to open on your own, private-like. Now, if after reading all this, you want to talk with me, or Auntie ‘Nara or Riv, or Doc Simon and Auntie Kaylee when we see ‘em next month, or even Uncle Jayne….well, you get the idea. Any of us’d be proud to talk about your folks, and how much they loved you, even before you were born. And how much we love you, and ‘d do anything for you, and all’s you need to keep that going is to be the best girl you can be, as you’re doing already. Your daddy was a good man, smart, funny--well sure, he could be aggravating, but he was the finest pilot I ever knew. And your ma, well, you know already, she was the baddest, bravest, strongest woman-person-I ever had the pleasure to have by my side. She left these notes in my safekeeping, before we went to that forsaken moon, and while I’m sure as sorry it wasn’t the other way around, her giving you a note from me right now, with your Dad smiling by, well, this is the way it is, and you got both of ‘em in you, and it’s fine to see. Happy birthday, little Minx. --Love, Uncle Mal
My darling Aura: Hey, baby. As I’m writing this, you are just a baby, but this is for your seventh birthday, and you’ll be reading it on your own as you’ll be quite grown up by now. I’m sure I’ll have told you many times already, seven is a special number among our people. Every time you have a birthday with a seven, the clan gathers and gifts you with a special talent, a skill, or a tool to help you get along in life. But here’s the secret: the gift you get is something you already have within you. So you think about what that is, deep down inside, and let it out, and we’ll all gather round, and gift it to you, and you’ll have it forever.
But this is your first birthday with a seven, so I’m giving you something else. It’s folded right in here: a note from your Daddy, that he wrote right after we made you, and you were still our special secret. Now you’re out in the world, and you can hold this close, and know he’s near, and that we both love you with all our hearts. -Your Mother
So, Little One--so little we can’t even see the trace of you yet. But your mama says she can feel you, and so I can too, because your mama, well, she’s pretty convincing, and she can have you believing in any kind of miracle, which is what you are, a miracle, and even if I wasn’t absolutely sure before that this was the right thing to do, now I know it is, because she says so, and she’s always right. Just remember that always, and your life will be magic, because how could it not be, with your mother so magnificent, so beautiful, and your dad so witty and charming? You’ve got it made, kid, just you wait and see. I can hardly wait to see you, so you go on and get big and strong and healthy, and we’ll have all kinds of adventures, and I’ll teach you to fly, and we’ll be the happiest family in all the ‘Verse. I guarantee it. With all my love, Your (soon to be) Doting Dad