
Nov 01, 2009 23:41

To my friends...

Thanks for sticking by me during this difficult time in my life. I understand that I probably bring a negative feeling to our conversations when I talk about my current situation. I'll try harder not to. I don't want to be negative.

The truth is, my situation right now is negative. I do not like living with my parents. Can you ( Read more... )

unemployment, overwhelmed, exercise, busy, friends, recession, allen, complaining, tl;dr, alana, sad stuff, money, dad, living at home, mom, work, get me outta here!, job hunt, happiness

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Comments 17

rjmrox November 2 2009, 17:15:06 UTC
*hugs* I wish I'd thought to invite you to come stay at my house this weekend while Jake was out of town. I think you have every right to be frustrated. Things are so up in the air with Jake's job that we don't know if he'll be able to be there in January... If he gets laid off or has to quit because they won't work with his school schedule there's a real possibility that we'll be moving in with his parents. I'm a little scared. We'll do it if we need to but I don't love it. :( I'm pulling for you!


cathmac November 2 2009, 21:39:27 UTC
I've been praying for you, Rebecca, and you situation. Did Jake ever get any of that money they owed him? It sucks so much when management is crappy. Jake has worked there for so long and to treat him like this is awful :o( I'm pulling for you too, girl. Thanks for commenting :o)


rjmrox November 2 2009, 22:16:52 UTC
Catherine, I can't tell you how much it means to me that you're praying for me when things are where they are for you. Nope, they haven't gotten him those funds. I doubt we'll ever see them. It is what it is. I *HAVE* to trust that God will provide. I'm at the point now where I am interpreting things that happen as a way for God to refine us through the fire.


cathmac November 3 2009, 07:43:25 UTC
God is refining us through the fire!! He totally is! I need to keep that in mind, at all times ( ... )


rose_radiance November 2 2009, 17:48:59 UTC
Gah... you moved me to tears here, though I know those are in no way helpful. My heart goes out to you. I know we don't really know each other, but it breaks my heart to hear what you're going through and how awful your situation is right now.

Have you looked in to putting your student loans on hold? Often you can temporarily stop paying them if you're unemployed/struggling financially. I'm sure that would be a big help to both of you. My boyfriend's roommate is currently unemployed and he was able to put his student loans on hold until he finds a job and gets back on his feet. It'd be worth looking in to.

Can I ask what you and your husband's degrees are in?

I only wish you were closer, so I could be of more help somehow! For now I don't know what more I can do but pray.


cathmac November 2 2009, 21:48:33 UTC
I put my Sallie Mae loan on hold but when I called Wells Fargo to do that one, they said they couldn't grant me a forebearance because I had to first prove I was capable of paying back the loan. I clarified, and basically you have to prove that you, RIGHT NOW, have the money to pay your loans before they can defer it. I told her I obviously wouldn't be deferring it if I, RIGHT NOW, had the means to repay it. She said that was the policy. I could prove I can pay it now or tell her when and where I will be employed. Um, thanks. I also clarified that they must want me to go to collections, or something, because their policy doesn't make sense. Do not deal with Wells Fargo :o(

My husband has a degree in Nutrition and Dietetics and mine is is Business Administration and Human Resources Management.

Thanks for your comment, and your prayers mean the world to me!!


jesseroo November 2 2009, 19:01:19 UTC
Catherine, this post just absolutely breaks my heart. I'm so very sorry you're going through this right now. I know it doesn't help to hear that it WILL get better, because it just doesn't help right now (believe me, I've been told that so many times and it usually drives me crazy). We are also struggling BIG time with finances and it's scary because there never seems to be an end in sight. Just when you feel like you're getting your head above water, something manages to drag you underneath again. I'm just so sorry that it's become so bad for you guys, especially not being able to see your hubby very much.... that's the worst ( ... )


cathmac November 3 2009, 07:22:15 UTC
Hey, sorry to hear you're struggling too :o( I hate that when there doesn't seem to be an end in sight. It's terrifying to think you might barely eek by for years :o(

Thanks for your prayers. Your prayers mean a lot to me. I'll keep you in my prayers, too.

I would love to go to coffee with you! So close yet so far!!

How's the belly?


ary18 November 2 2009, 20:09:17 UTC
Ugh, I'm so sorry Catherine. That really sounds like a hard situation. And good for you for being honest about it! It doesn't do you, or anyone else any good to pretend like everything's rosy when really it's the freaking pits. I hope things turn around for you soon. I'm always up for a playdate if you want to get out and head over to Kirkland! Or, parks are good, too!


cathmac November 3 2009, 07:23:14 UTC
Hey, thanks. I always feel bad when I get all honest, like I should magically be okay with things and suck it up and just deal.

I'd love a playdate sometime, we'll have to set that up!


lickintoadz November 2 2009, 20:43:09 UTC
Ugh I feel what you're going through. When I got out of the Navy, I had to stay with my Gramma until my apartment opened up. 2 months. Love the woman with all my heart, but god damn. SO many questions. Where are you going? Do you have enough money? Who called? When's the last time we had pizza? When is Murder She Wrote on?


It'll get better.


cathmac November 3 2009, 07:24:03 UTC
OMG, I wish she'd ask me if I had enough money!! I'd always say "no!" Glad you understand where I'm coming from.


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