and you won't know

Jun 24, 2007 23:47

so i've been okay with the not having a car thing since thursday night. because mark took the day off work on friday so he could stay at my place thursday night, and he was here all weekend. which was so lovely and normal and so i was okaythen tonight? as he arranged for his mum to come pick him up and take him home? it hit me that i probably won't ( Read more... )

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Comments 15

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cathiexx June 25 2007, 11:01:09 UTC
yep. public transport is pretty lame - especially after you've already been spoilt with the comfort of having your own car.

and lol, i'm not feeling so emo tonight. but thank you darling. i know it's a silly thing to get upset over (ZOMG I WON'T SEE HIM FOR A WEEK!!! BOOHOO! /lameness) so thanks for listening to me vent about it!

and HAHAHAHAH, omg. hilarity x a million. look at hitler go!


starry_night_53 June 24 2007, 20:22:58 UTC
You're beautiful ♥

Hope thats smile worthy =)


cathiexx June 25 2007, 11:01:41 UTC
jods! ♥ ♥ ♥

it is indeed, darling. thank you so much. ilu!


misunderstood_b June 24 2007, 20:30:14 UTC
something smile worthy, hmm, well...

a. tony blair stops being pm on wednesday
b. these are just for yoou, babe

... )


cathiexx June 25 2007, 11:07:46 UTC
YOU! *squishes* oh babe, this is so lovely. definitely smile-worthy indeed! first of all, ICONS! such bright, pretty icons! much love indeed!

and then! awww! horsey! horsey looking all funny and wonky! lol.

thank you, gorgeous. i appreciate it. ♥


misunderstood_b June 25 2007, 17:58:09 UTC
*tackles* ♥

and i saw this today, never frown, even when you're sad, you never know who is falling in love with your smile.


cathiexx June 26 2007, 12:35:24 UTC
oh meep. such lovely words. <3 thanks for sharing, love. you certainly know how to make me smile.



bertiebob June 25 2007, 01:10:19 UTC
Poor Cathie :( Life is shit. We should all pick a time and collectively kick the world's ass. Like that national turn off your lights night, or whatever - only mean. *plots*

Smile-worthy? Hmm. I have tonsillitis! And a few other itis-es. I can't breathe properly. Or swallow. Or do ... other things that i need to do. Like eat. Rargh. My doctor looked at my throat and made a squishy face and then said yuk. YUK. MY THROAT IS MEDICALLY YUK. BOO. That's not smile-worthy ... but as soon as i'm better, i will be baking you the promised truck load of cupcakes and brownies and anything else i can whip up and will be delivering them to your door. *nods* We need to have a tv night, or something. Also, we need to organise Cathie's 21st of Awesomeness v2.0. Yes indeedy.

I just spilled soup on myself. Oh woe.


cathiexx June 25 2007, 11:11:38 UTC
KAAAAATE! *clings* i am so down with that idea. just.. have like a designated hour or something where we can all just scream obscenities and make ourselves feel better.

oh, honey! i'm sorry you're not well! tonsillitis is teh evil! i used to get it all the time when i was younger, and god damn, do i hate it! so i really do feel for you! and hee, the promise of cathie's 21st v2.0 is VERY smile-worthy! REALLY! IT'LL BE SO FREAKING AWESOME!!

i adore you. ♥


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cathiexx June 25 2007, 11:14:15 UTC
OH, YOU SO ARE!! hell yes, that news makes me smile.



cathiexx June 25 2007, 11:15:42 UTC
see? i was so blown away and in awe that i pressed the post comment before i meant to! SEE WHAT YOU DO TO ME, WOMAN? oh.

but yes. the drabble. hee. pam with her forward sexiness. i love it. and hahahaha! the twist! here i was picturing him doing all of these nervous twitches and it turns out to be TOBY! omg, i luff you. i really do.

you make me smile x a billion, honey. <3


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