we can start over

May 28, 2007 10:33

because i have a shitload of things to get done today, and i'd much rather spend my time procrastinating:

stolen from bantha_fodder.

name a character and i'll tell you three (or more) facts about them from my own personal pseudo-canon.

fire away, kids. ♥


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Comments 31

yutamiyu May 28 2007, 01:06:46 UTC
I'll give you THREE. Oh, that's right. I'm a REBEL.

Pam. And Karen. And Jim.

(I'm going through Office withdrawal. I might not make it through the summer.)


cathiexx May 28 2007, 01:40:01 UTC
haha! three is fine by me darling. i am procrastinating after all. *laughs* and hey, what an awesome three it is.

pam beesly

+ sometimes, when she's in bed at night, alone, she misses roy. he was warm, and now her bed is cold. she knows she made the right decision, calling off the wedding, but she prefers a warm bed to a cold one.
+ she looks at karen and admires the gloss and shine of hair and she thinks that maybe she might try to straighten her hair, one day. just for kicks.
+ she actually really likes dwight. he annoys her, sure, but in the end he makes her laugh. and she likes to laugh.
+ she wants to sketch jim. alot. she daydreams at work; and she thinks about the poses she'd put him in, how she'd angle the light to fall across his features, how she'd be able to stare at him for hours.

karen filippelli

+ karen is not a quitter. she works hard, and pushes boundaries, and she does what she has to to get the job done. it's a real strength, she knows. but sometimes when she catches jim glancing at pam with that look in his eyes ( ... )


synecdoche May 28 2007, 01:49:38 UTC
Um... How about Cameron? ♥

(Random: You make me want to watch The Office really badly, but I'm afraid I'm already addicted to far too many shows...)


cathiexx May 28 2007, 04:55:18 UTC
yay! cameron! and dude. you would love the office. trust me, it's worth getting sucked into yet another fandom. seriously.

allison cameron

+ cameron has a normal family. she knows house thinks about it alot; he's always trying to find reasons for why she doesn't talk about them, or why they don't come visit her. and there's no big secret: no abuse, no disease, nothing. she has a father and a mother and an older brother. she avoids seeing them because of the simple fact that they remind her of her past. (her wedding, her husband, standing by his death bed).
+ the thing with chase was a mistake. she knows that. but she also knows that it was something she'd been wanting to do for a long time. not because she had any feelings for him -- but because of the simple fact that she was a young, healthy woman. and she had needs. (and to be honest, it was getting exhausting, lying in bed alone and fantasising about someone she'd never have ( ... )


beeeez May 28 2007, 03:44:19 UTC
Oooh fun.

Angela. And Dwight :P Because, hello hot.

(and btw, the way you wrote Jim up there? omg want. really badly. write that now. now i am going home to write office drabbles :P)


cathiexx May 28 2007, 05:29:24 UTC
this is such a freaking fun meme. *grins* and thank you for picking two awesomely fun people to do!

angela martin

+ her father was a preacher and her mother left when she was twelve and her sister was eight. she remembers the exact day her mother walked out the door: that was when her father bought her first kitten.
+ she misses roy.
+ her favourite colour is white.
+ one of the things that attracted her to dwight in the first place was his thirst for power and authority (she loves a man who takes charge). but she enjoys the times that they're alone, when all she has to do is whisper in his ear and he melts for her.

dwight k schrute+ dwight enjoys hunting. the bigger the game, the better. but it wasn't always that way. when his father took him hunting for the first time (he was seven years old) he shot a rabbit. and threw up ( ... )


beeeez May 28 2007, 07:35:04 UTC

K, see now I have to write Dwight/Angela porn :P


cathiexx May 28 2007, 07:59:02 UTC
hee. you totally have to. i'd love to read it.


misunderstood_b May 28 2007, 09:22:31 UTC
oooh..looks like fun.

so, wilson. =D


cathiexx May 31 2007, 15:27:13 UTC
yay! i was hoping someone would suggest wilson. god, awesome.

james wilson

+ sometimes he feels that he is unfairly defined. by house, by cuddy, by everyone at the hospital. (and if he's honest, all three of his ex-wives). he's not simply james wilson, the hospital casanova. or james wilson, oncologist boy wonder, sidekick to house. he's so much more. he's so much more, and he doesn't know how to show them that.
+ he likes to fuck women. not make love, or have sex, or sleep with. fuck. he's a dirty, fucked up, manipulative bastard, and he knows how to get what he wants. panty-peelers, right?
+ he gives blood religiously. it's the least he can do.


misunderstood_b May 31 2007, 16:29:34 UTC
did lj bother to send me an email to tell me that you'd replied? oh noes! because it's just too much for their ickle brains to cope with. hmph.


hahaha, i love them. and 2? OMGAWESOMENESS ♥♥♥


cathiexx June 1 2007, 12:27:47 UTC
haha. lj for the lose at the moment.

hee. they're so pretty, right?

thanks darling! amnd haha, totally. wilson + fucking = TEH HOT!


sherlockelly June 1 2007, 14:56:14 UTC

Rashida Jones

James Gunn (!!!)

That's all. I'm not really creative today. :{


cathiexx June 7 2007, 15:13:41 UTC
hee, yes! i needed some rpf thrown in there. and best suggestions ever.

rashida jones

+ her and john still fuck, every now and then. it started when she began filming on the show. he told her, randomly one day, how fucking horny he was and how it was making him blow all his lines. so she blew him in the bathroom instead and he nailed every single line after that.
+ she wishes she could talk to her dad more. he travels so much, and when she calls he's always with somebody or at some party or in the middle of producing something. and she misses him.
+ when bj wished her luck for her new show, he pulled her close and told her he'd write karen back into the show in a nano-second just to have her back. sometimes, she almost finds herself hoping that the rules of starting over flops, just so she has an excuse to go back.
+ she wonders if she would have made a good lawyer.

james to follow later. (me needs sleep!)


sherlockelly June 7 2007, 15:20:01 UTC

all of those are made of win!!!

The last one is my absolute favorite though. I'll bet she does, too!!!

This is SO GOOD!!!!!


cathiexx June 11 2007, 06:01:20 UTC
THANK YOU! askjsdakjdsajh.

glad you liked. 'tis a fun meme, indeed.

and ahaha, going to do james' now.


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