[house/cameron/wilson] the space between 'now' and 'then'

Oct 02, 2006 19:44

Title: the space between ‘now’ and ‘then’
Fandom: house, md
Characters/Pairings: cameron, wilson, house, wilson/cameron, house/cameron
Prompt: 001. phobia
Word Count: 937
Rating: pg
Summary: So they went to work that morning with smiles on their faces and their hands intertwined.
Author's Notes: Pre- “Meaning”. First one down, ninety-nine more to ( Read more... )

house/cameron/wilson, fic, fic: house, 100_situations

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Comments 28

beeeez October 2 2006, 10:06:05 UTC

YAY! How awesome was that? Fantastic first fic, Cath ;D I loved the contrast betweent the two. And you know I love the H/C/W angst ATM. 'Cause it's hot ;D

You're full of awesomeness. Have so much love for this one *loves you*


cathiexx October 2 2006, 10:30:26 UTC
Thanks so much, darling. I think this table is going to be FILLED with the angst, because I just can't seem to stay away from it, especially with these three. *grins*

So glad you enjoyed it. *loves you right back* Thanks!


beeeez October 2 2006, 11:09:51 UTC
*grins* I am totally up for a table full of angst ;D

Oh, question. Are we still writing our H/C/W comment!fic??? xxx


cathiexx October 2 2006, 21:12:19 UTC
Ha, I actually meant to say something about that to you the other night. YES, we most definitely are. I love that thing far too much to just abandon it. I'm just.. trying to work out how to make the next part happen.

But I am still writing! I still want to write! I want us to come up with a brilliant ending for it -- though I have no idea what it could be. *grins*


jeonggam October 2 2006, 11:07:53 UTC
So very lovely! I love this trio, and I love the way you write them! So angsty, so perfect, so very very enjoyable!
*searches mind for more original compliments and cannot think of anything other than H/C/W love*


cathiexx October 2 2006, 21:22:04 UTC
Awww, thank you so much! I really appreciate that; I'm so glad you enjoyed it. And there will be plenty more where this came from, so keep your eyes open for more.

<3 Thanks again!


jeonggam October 3 2006, 01:08:28 UTC
You don't know how happy hearing there'll be more makes me.

No problem.


(The comment has been removed)

cathiexx October 2 2006, 21:24:34 UTC
Hee. Angst is teh fun. Thank you!


teenwitch77 October 2 2006, 12:02:27 UTC

Oh I love you for this one, girl. Love. That was just... awesome. I'm so excited for all these fics you're going to be doing.

So memorying.


cathiexx October 2 2006, 21:26:59 UTC
Thank you, darling! *loves you* Appreciate it! I'm excited too (and alot nervous!) and I'm glad you're looking forward to it. ♥


fated_addiction October 2 2006, 12:22:35 UTC
I swear. This is where it's at. *g* House/Cameron/Wilson is just too much fun, ya know?

I just love your Wilson!muse.


cathiexx October 2 2006, 21:28:41 UTC
Oh, indeed it is. It so yes. *smirks*

Thanks! Except he can never decide if he wants to be a sweet romantic or a devilish, womanizing sex god!


fated_addiction October 2 2006, 21:34:15 UTC
*lips curl*

Cam!muse says that she'll stop wearing underwear around him if he decides to be a sex god.

I can't stop writing H/W/C. Too fun.


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