Who Wants To Read My NaNo Prologue?

Nov 07, 2011 13:13

So it’s the start of week two for NaNoWriMo and I have been busy writing away. Having the outline is really helpful and Scrivener is wonderful too.

Anyway, to share a sample, here’s my rough-and-definitely-unedited prologue.

Liverpool, England. 1927.

I died in a pool of blood on my bedroom floor. My throat had been torn open and the boy I thought ( Read more... )

bleed like me, nanowrimo, teasers, writing

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Comments 4

lovelysnake November 7 2011, 03:15:50 UTC
Well. That was just wicked cool, madame. I applaud you for taking on vampires! Most definitely keep going.


catherinehaines November 7 2011, 03:51:55 UTC
This is actually my third attempt at a vampire novel (I started one back in 2000 which I later scrapped, and finished another in 2008). I've always loved vampires, and when the idea of flapper vampire in decades-long battle with maker (and getting distracted by falling for a girl) came into my head... I had to run with it.


lovelysnake November 7 2011, 05:48:52 UTC
Vampires are hard, no doubt about it. Especially after Twilight and all that hysteria. I would love to read this - it sounds like a smashing idea. Good luck!


catherinehaines November 7 2011, 07:36:26 UTC
Thanks. It's sort of an anti-Twilight story, with examination of abusive/controlling relationships through Viola and her maker's twisted control over her.


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