Just a brief note, but if you've been here recently and cried at my lack of... any sort of coding coherancy... I've modified my page to a simple predone thingy. Hopefully very temporary.
Been watching a lot of SyFy's Alice mini-series. That show (movie?) is so much love. (And yes, I've hopped a ride on the Hatter bandwagon and tipped the driver an extra fifty to let me ride shotgun for awhile.)
Title: "I Need a Hero"
Music & Artist: "I Need a Hero" by Bonnie Tyler
Fandom: SyFy's 'Alice'
Character - Pairing: Alice/Hatter
96 MBs (WTF?! Will likely make a smaller version soon. Will post link when it's available) |
36 MBs (Ew. Quality's not great. Trying for a happy medium now.) |
YouTubeNotes: Made as an answer to a request posted in Casy Dee's awesome story
'Always.' There are spoilers galore for the mini in this thing, so if you haven't seen it yet and want to, and don't want to know how it ends, I suggest saving this until after you've seen it. I suggest seeing it, anyway. The movie, not the vid. ...Okay, I suggest seeing both, but... bah, you know what I mean. (Also have to thank my mommy, because she's awesome and listened to me obsess over this thing for four days. Also gave some pretty darn good suggestions, too!)