The Light at the end of the Never Ending Tunnel 2/?

Oct 18, 2007 15:19

The Light at the end of the Never Ending Tunnel 2/?

Author: catherineackles
Beta: Thaanks to my Two awsome Beta's nikki5124 and majs_majs , I dont know what i'd do with out you guys.
Characters: Jared/Jensen, Jack, Chris
Rating / Warning: NC-17 (contains child abuse and self harm) 
Disclaimer: As you all know Jared, Jensen and Chris are real persons, who I have used in my fictional story. No harm intended.

Summary: Jared's parents died in a car accident when he was 8 and after that he moved in with his abusive uncle. When he was 16 they moved to a new town and everything changes when he met a guy named Jensen. 
Words (this chapter): (aprox) 2300 words

EEEK, the link on padakles for Chapter 1  was wrong, this is it   The light at the end of the Never Ending Tunnel (1/?) NC-17

Chapter 2
Seven Years Later
Jared had just finished unpacking the last of his belongings into his new small and cramped room. Two days ago, he and his uncle had moved from their old house in Texas to California. Jared didn't mind the move as much as most 16 yr olds who would be leaving behind their friends, since a friend is something Jared has never had. Its not like he isn’t capable of getting friends. Its just that having friends is something his uncle calls a luxury. Something that is unneeded and, more importantly, something he doesn’t deserve. And since he's been home schooled for the past five years, its been very hard to make friends without his uncle noticing.

Jared still receives his regular punishment; it hasn’t stopped since it began. This is one of the reasons he was being home schooled. His uncle had been worried that Jared would either tell someone, or they would start asking questions about his regular bruising.

The only reason they moved to California is that his uncle received a job there that he couldn’t reject. Although, his uncle only found out that the California laws for home schooling are different to those of Texas, AFTER he accepted the job. Therefore, starting tomorrow morning, Jared is officially a student at California State Public High School.

Just thinking about going back to school made him extremely anxious because he hadn’t been to one in five years. Its not that he's worried he isn’t smart enough, since he always does well on the tests the school board supplies for his home schooling. Its just that he's worried some one will find out how bad he is, and what he did to his mum and dad. He knows he's bad. Jack tells him every single day. He tells him what a filthy slut he is and that he doesn’t deserve to live because of what he did to his parents. He makes sure that Jared knows what he is by hammering the thoughts into him while he regularly rapes him.


As Jared is neatly laying out his clothing for the next day, he hears the front door slam shut and knows that Jack is home. As soon as he enters the small one story house he called out, "Jared, you little slut, get your ass in here NOW."

Jared’s head immediately snapped up in fear and he quickly ran to where his uncle was standing in the kitchen.

"Yes uncle Jack?"

Jack just stared at him. "So, Jared, you excited about starting school tomorrow?"

He is so shocked from his uncles kind words and instantly knows there must be something behind them.

"Yeah, I'm looking forward to it."

His uncle just smiled, "Good, because you better remember what I told you about not saying anything to anyone about the little games we play together. Do you understand?"

Jared, unable to form any coherent words, swallowed and sharply nodded his head.


"Y-y-yes Uncle Jack," Jared quickly stuttered. "I promise."

He lets out a relieved sigh, "Excellent. Well, now that’s all sorted out, would you like to play a game with me Jared?"

Jared began to panic, knowing he was still too sore from Jack raping him two days ago. He doesn't think he'll be able to handle the pain right now.

"Would I be able to just go to bed since I have a big day at school tomorrow and need to sleep," Jared asked hesitantly.

Jared quickly regretted saying anything as soon as Jack slapped him hard across the face and stated between gritted teeth, "You will play when I say you play, you little slut. And don’t even bother pretending like you don’t want it."

Jared quickly nodded his head in agreement, knowing that if he disagreed then he would be in a lot more trouble then he is already.

Jack then smiled and added, "Ahh, now that’s the good boy I know. Now get your ass on my bed and don’t even try complaining."

Doing exactly what he was told, Jared walked slowly with his head hung low towards his uncle's bedroom. He knew he was in for a rough night, he just hoped it was over soon.


Jared awoke early the next morning hoping he could get to school early enough to avoid his uncle. As soon as he sat up he winced from the pain in his back side. He slowly walked towards the mirror and was relieved to find there was no bruises from where Jack had violently slapped him last night.

"The last thing I need is people asking questions," he said quietly to himself, letting out an exhausted sigh.

Jared quickly dressed in to his favourite pair of jeans and black AC-DC top that he had picked out last night, brushed his teeth, and decided to skip breakfast. With one last look in the mirror to check his hair he's out the door in no time, hoping to God that his first day goes fine.


When he arrived at school he went straight to the student foyer to pick up his time table and find his classes. Once the first bell rang, he headed off to find his home room. Because he had trouble finding the right room,everyone had already arrived before him. When he entered, everyone stopped talking and turned straight towards him. He felt extremely awkward knowing everyone’s eyes were on him, judging and scrutinizing him.

When the teacher noticed him standing there she squealed in delight, ushered him in, and said aloud to the class, "Every body this is our new student Jared Padalecki. I would like you all to welcome him kindly and be sure to help him out when he needs it."

Jared just smiled shyly at her and quietly said his thanks as she showed him to his seat.

Once he was seated, everyone just seemed to go back to their own conversations, and no longer payed any attention to him.

Except for one boy.

Glancing to his left, Jared saw the light brown haired, green eyed boy staring at him like he was the most interesting thing around.

Jared looked back down at his desk as a light blush quickly spread across his cheeks, and pretended he hadn't noticed the boy looking at him. Jared had never been interested in guys before but he cant help but notice this boys pure beauty.

When the bell rings he quickly grabbed his bag and practically ran out of class. He doesn't want to know why the mysterious boy was staring at him, mostly because he's too scared of the answer. He walked quickly to his locker and busied himself placing his new books inside.

As he closed his locker door, he's startled to see the same boy from earlier smiling warmly at him. After Jared didn't say anything, the mysterious boy said "Hi, Jared right? My name's Jensen. And, uhh, I was just thinking that you might need someone to show you around and thought I’d offer a hand since I’ve got nothing better to do."

Jared just stared at him, not really caring to make any friends since he had told himself he wasn‘t worth anyone’s friendship. "Uhh you have classes to go to right? Im pretty sure that’s something to do, so uhh thanks, but no thanks. Im doing fine on my own". With that said he began to walk in the other direction, hoping he didn’t hurt that Jensen boys feelings.

Jensen just stood there, wide eyed and stunned, as Jared walked away.

Jensen doesn’t know why, but for some reason he just felt as though he had to get to know this boy. There was just something in his eyes that told Jensen he could use a friend right now. He somehow reminded him of a lost puppy.

Besides all of that, he was kind of cute.

So Jensen decided to himself that he was not going to give up. And after Jared’s remark it just made him feel more determined to find out what it is about this new kid Jared.


When lunch finally rolled around, Jensen headed straight to the cafeteria. As soon as he got there he spotted Jared sitting alone at a small table in the back corner, just staring at his plate and poking it with his fork. Poor boy, Jensen thought. Looks like he didn't know to bring his own food on Mondays when the Cafeteria served their meat loaf surprise that Jensen suspected was recycled.

Jensen turned towards his friend Chris and said, "Hey, man, I’ll be right back. Im just gonna go say hey to the new kid."

Chris looked over to where Jensen was looking at Jared and scoffed a laugh.

"Who? That antisocial, shaggy haired freak in the back corner?"

Jensen was automatically on the defensive. "Hey, man, back off alright? You don’t even know the kid. Besides I heard he hasn't been to school in like 4 or 5 years . . . home schooling or something. So cut him a break alright?"

When Jensen gave him a warning look Chris puts his hands up in mock surrender and said, "Alright, Jen, sorry man I didn't mean to offend or nothing." With a wink and smart assed smile he added, "Just didn’t think he was your type."

Jensen let out a long annoyed sigh, "Jesus man, is that all you ever think about? I mean Im happy youre supportive of me being gay and all, but you don’t need to comment about it every five minutes."

While looking towards the table full of all the senior girls Chris disinterestedly added, "Yeah, whatever dude. Anyways, you go chat up the kid, I’ll just be over there talking to all the smoking ladies."

As Chris walked away, Jensen couldn't help but laugh at his best mate. He could be a pain in the ass at times, but he had always been there for him when it counted.

With that said Jensen began to walk to where Jared sat staring at the wall,looking as though his mind was somewhere else completely.

Jensen reaches out his hand and tapped Jared on the shoulder.

As soon as Jared felt the contact he started and pulled from his terrifying thoughts of last night.

Jensen pulled his hand back quickly when he saw Jared jump and take in a sharp breath.

He quickly said, "Hey man, sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you or nothing, I just wanted to know if you wanted some company."

Jared quickly calmed himself down and casually replied, "Nah don’t worry about it man, you just startled me is all. And yeah i guess i could do with some company."

Jared wanted to reject Jensen’s offer but he didn't want to seem to rude. Besides, he thought if he had someone to talk to it might take his mind of things for a little while.

Jensen smiled when Jared accepted his offer of company and quickly slid into the seat next to him. "So are you a Texas boy?"

"Uhh, yeah, actually. I just moved from there three days ago. I never knew I had such a noticable accent."

"Nah, Im just good at picking that type of stuff up I guess. So how come you moved up here anyway?"

"Well my, uhh, uncle got a new job up here, so well, here I am."

"Your uncle? How come you don’t live with either of your parents?"

As soon as Jensen noticed Jared swallow and look down at the table and try to stutter out an answer, Jensen wished he hadn't brought it up, so he quickly cut him off, "Im, uhh, sorry man, I don’t mean to pry. You don’t have to tell me anything, I was just wondering is all."

Jared smiled at the concern he could sense in Jensen’s voice. He didn’t know what, but something about it just made him feel warm inside. Something about Jensen just made him want to spill all of his dirty little secrets that he had kept inside for so long. But he knew he couldn't, so he just replied, "Nah don’t worry about it man. They, uhh, passed away when i was young, a accident and well yeah."

Jared sorrowfully looked down at the table. He couldn't help but wonder why he even told him that much.

Jensen looked towards Jared and couldn't help but feel sorry for the poor boy. There was something inside him that just made him immediately feel protective of Jared. So he just laid a hand on Jared’s shoulder comfortingly and quietly said, "Im sorry man, no kid deserves that."

Jared smiled slightly, glanced up, and saw Jensen looking at him with concern.

For a few short moments both boys just stared into each others eyes, completely oblivious to everything else going on around them. Jared was the first to break contact and look back down at the table. Jensen's gut twisted at the look of pure pain and hurt that he saw in Jared’s eyes. He doesn't know the boy well. Although one thing is for sure, he wants to be the one to wipe that look of sorrow from Jared’s eyes.

TBC (PLEEEASE leave me a coment)

Chapter 3

fic-the light at the end of the never en

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