
Jan 01, 2015 23:08

Title: After-wise
Recipient: sjames_centre
Author: cathedralcarver
Characters/Pairings: Sherlock/John
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Summary: My name is John Hamish Watson and I am 74 years old and I must wear clean pants everyday. No exceptions.

Written for holmestice December 2014 ( Read more... )

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Comments 6

teddyradiator January 2 2015, 04:38:27 UTC
It's lovely to open my friends page and see your name here!

You have an incredible gift of bringing out these emotions. It is reminiscent of The SSHG fic you wrote, Northern Sky in Winter, which is one of the greatest works of fanfiction there is, in my opinion.

This rings with that same heartbreaking timbre - Sherlock's guilt and helplessness, and John's own helplessness and frustration. I think anyone who has seen a loved one slip away in this way will be tremendously affected by this.

Thank you for sharing your amazing talent with us. It's really great to see you.


cathedralcarver January 8 2015, 15:24:17 UTC
Hello you! I'm hardly here anymore but it's good to see some familiar names! Haha about halfway through this story I realized HOW VERY SIMILAR it was to Northern Sky, but by that time I was like, fuck it. It's due in two days so. But yes, you are absolutely correct and when I start repeating my own stories it's either time to quit fanfic or more to a new fandom hahaha. Oh well. My family has been deeply immersed in my Nana's dementia battle for the past five years, so I suppose it's inevitable that I will revisit this horrific affliction more than once!

Thank you SO much for your lovely and kind words. I appreciate them so very much <3


shefa January 2 2015, 15:10:19 UTC
*happy, tearful sigh

I'm about two years behind on fanfic. But when one of yours pops up, it's an immediate read. This was so powerful. Beautiful. Heartbreaking and incisively true.

Wonderful, as always.



cathedralcarver January 8 2015, 15:27:32 UTC
Hello beautiful :) I write precisely two fanfics a year: Holmestice Spring and Holmestice Winter. Other than that, nothin. And I also read nothin haha. I suck. I really should return the favour to those to review my stuff. That's my Resolution this year! Yay!

So good to see your name. I hope you're well and thank you for this lovely review :) <3<3


beffeysue January 3 2015, 01:45:59 UTC
This was so true to life. One of my grandmothers had Alzheimer's, and while she wasn't given to many bad moods, it was still a hard thing for our family to watch her decline.

I'm not a Sherlock/John shipper, but when I saw your name I knew I had to read your story. You're still one of the best authors I've had the pleasure to read.


cathedralcarver January 8 2015, 15:28:49 UTC
Oh, I'm so very sorry to hear this. It's a horrible disease and one I'd wish on no one. Thank you for reading and reviewing, even if it's not your 'ship <3


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