Fic: Redivivus

Dec 31, 2011 23:51

Title: Redivivus
Author: cathedralcarver
Characters/Pairings: Sherlock/John, Mycroft
Rating: PG
Warnings: Character death. Sort of.
Summary: There are so very many different ways to die.

A/N: Written for daymarket in the Holmestice 2011 December Fest!

He awakes to fire )

sherlock, fanfiction

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Comments 40

afrogeekgoddess January 1 2012, 05:22:14 UTC
Of *course* this is your work. I read this on the Holmestice LJ, when the author's names were still hidden, and I remember thinking that this work was ripping my heart out in the most beautiful way. Now that I know it's you, my feelings make perfect sense.

The one that hurts me the most is when Sherlock wakes up to John already gone. Absolutely no way to even try to save him.

Beautifully, beautifully done.


cathedralcarver January 23 2012, 15:30:57 UTC
Ah, thank you so much :) This bloody story kicked my arse up and down and back and forth...I'm surprised I finished it at all. Yes...John dying over and over makes my heart shatter into a thousand pieces. I'm just thrilled that you liked it. Thank you so much <3


timegirl10 January 1 2012, 05:40:19 UTC
Holy mother of Castiel... I love your fic, but it killed me. And Mycroft... Oh, all I can say is the title of the Crash and the Boys song: 'We hate you please die' That bastard, torturing Sherlock and killing John many times...


cathedralcarver January 23 2012, 15:31:24 UTC
Thank you! It kinda killed me, too. Thank you :)


lindentreeisle January 1 2012, 05:50:10 UTC
This is sad and horrible and awesome. <3


cathedralcarver January 23 2012, 15:31:51 UTC
Sigh. Yes. Thank you. <3


chapbook January 1 2012, 06:06:26 UTC
Wow. This hit me like the fireworks exploding outside my window.

As unnerving as sensing that Mycroft stands behind you, unseen, with the feel of his breath on the back of your neck. Why? The way you structured this, contrasting the expectation of what was going to happen to John and Sherlock with the actual length of the sections. And although I caught on to what was going on (or so I thought), there was always the fear that I was wrong, that more twists were to come.

In short, <3 <3


cathedralcarver January 23 2012, 15:32:57 UTC
Ah, thank you for this lovely, detailed feedback. I had such a hard time with this story, so basically I was just happy to finish the damn thing! Thank you for reading, and I'm really happy you liked it <3


shefa January 1 2012, 07:53:20 UTC
*happy sigh

I loved this on the Exchange and I love it now. Gorgeous, painful, powerful work. Beautifully written, too.


cathedralcarver January 23 2012, 15:33:32 UTC
Thank you, sweetie. This story kicked my arse <3


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