Fic: An Hour Badly Spent

Sep 12, 2011 11:23

Title: An Hour Badly Spent
Author: cathedral carver
Pairing: John/Sherlock
Rating: PG
Word count: 3,700
Warnings: Spoilers for TGG. Has anyone not seen this episode yet?

Summary: The existence of forgetting has never been proved: We only know that some things don’t come to mind when we want them.*

should be used to it by now )

sherlock, fanfiction

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Comments 136

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cathedralcarver September 13 2011, 13:50:07 UTC
Ahhh. Thank you so much, sweetie. I really need to write some fluff soon. Really, really soon :)


morganstuart September 12 2011, 16:57:27 UTC
Oh God. Oh God.

Beautifully crafted. Well done indeed.


cathedralcarver September 13 2011, 13:50:41 UTC
Thank you so very much! I really appreciate it :)


uwsannajane September 12 2011, 17:03:49 UTC
Ow, ow, ow! SO well done, so haunting and sorrowful - and go you for not going for the easy fix. Although I can't help hoping ...

(I hope it's OK that I've friended you - I'd really like to see your fic updates!)


cathedralcarver September 13 2011, 13:51:28 UTC
Thank you so very much!! And, of course you can friend me. Friended you back :)


lindentreeisle September 12 2011, 17:13:02 UTC
That was horrific. You're a fucking genius.

I'm just gutted right now.


cathedralcarver September 13 2011, 13:52:26 UTC
Lol. Ah, thank you. I'd like to a genius, but when it comes to these two, I become rather incoherent at times ;) Fortunately, I'm able to string some words together for fanfic once in awhile. Thank you, so much.


snarryfool September 12 2011, 17:14:48 UTC
That broke my heart so. fucking. hard.

Wonderful story, but oh, my heart!


cathedralcarver September 13 2011, 13:52:56 UTC
Ah, thank you. Broke my own heart, too. Really. I need to write some FLUFF.


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